Holy-crapper-moly. I'm so sick, you guys. I'll spare you the nastylicious details, but it's the worst stomach bug I can ever remember having. Last night I was begging Jared to put me on some sort of a respirator or life support machine, just so he could unplug it and let me go in peace.
He wouldn't do it.
I still think it was a reasonable idea.
You must've caught what James had last week huh? Poor thing. Rest up and try to keep some turkey down tomorrow. It would be a shame to throw up turkey.
Oh jeez, stomach bugs are the worst! Really, just shoot me, is all I can think of for at least 24 hours.
Sleep as much as you can and keep reminding yourself that it will eventually be over.
The only upside is that eventually, when you can handle them, a couple of saltine crackers and a glass of ginger ale will taste like most amazing incredible meal on earth.
(At least it works that way for me!)
Hope you are not reading this until you feel way, way, better! If not, get back to bed.
I'm glad Jared didn't get into your demands.
Hope you feel better soon and get to enjoy some turkey tomorrow.
Oops ... obviously I meant "give" into your demands (although I'm sure it would have been fun to have him "get into" your demands.
Feel better.
Even when sick - still funny :> Get feeling better...
Nooooooooooooooooo! Not the day before Thanksgiving! Oh, Amy, life can be cruel indeed. Get one of your men to rub your tummy.
In the meantime, if you want to feel better, go read my latest blog entry. I guarantee you it will help. ;)
Ooh boo!! Poor you! Hope you get better soon! Too bad you're sick for Thanksgiving! Not fun at all.
That sucks! Hope you feel better quickly Amy.
Happy Thanksgiving.
i'm surprised jared didn't do it. :)
i hope you get better quickly... you have major eating to do tomorrow!
This is terrible right before turkey day - maybe you need to get a cigar like in your previous post. I'm sure he'll agree then
You did your turn taking care of James when he was sick. Who takes care of the mom when she's sick? That's what I'd like to know.
Ooooh. Sick the day before the Thanksgiving? That bites!
Awww I hope you feel better soon!
Jared says you are not throwing up anymore. Woo-hoo! Stay in bed and rest. ♥♥♥♥♥
you sounded so awful on the phone! take care... of course your mother can't help you:(
That's the absolute worse sickness ever. After having really bad morning sickness for 4 months, I hate to have a stomach bug.
My family had it bad the day before my brother's wedding, luckily it was a 24 hour thing.
Oh poop. I hope you feel better before the Thanksgiving festivies of pigging out start.
Take care.
Stomach bugs are lame. You do lose a few lbs usually and that's always a dream come true though.
I'm in Wichita Falls now! It's freezing. So far I've seen about 5 blocks of the base and it's pretty cool. I get to leave base in a few weeks, but only 25 miles outside of the gates. If you want I can get you on base and you can buy alcohol tax free... I'm your hookup.
When do you move? I get to have my car after Christmas but I think you'll be gone by then! We definitely need to meet up and you can give me the low down on my new city. I'll be here for about a year.
Can't believe you managed to post even when at death's door. Now that's dedication!
Hope you feel better soon!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of good care.
Get well soon!! I hear ya about wanting to be put out of your misery when you feel that bad.
Oh Amy, I hope you feel better soon. That's awful. Just in time for Thanksgiving, too. :-(
Thats too bad that you are so sick. Happy Thanksgiving.
want some crackers with you wine??????
Anonymous--That would be "whine." Will I always have to correct your spelling and grammar?! And yes, I'd love some crackers, still the only thing I can keep down.
hope you don't catch it,too,anon! why are you so bitter?
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