My sister-in-law came to visit from Utah a few weeks back, and she took some really great pictures while she was here.
The picture I posted below is of James and his two older cousins/heroes. I mean c'mon, he even perms his hair to be more like them--we're talking some serious devotion here.
The guy on the left is busting a gut because my sister-in-law used the word "fart." As in, "What if somebody farted during the quiet part of church?" Well now we know--Nathan would explode.
You see, in Nathan's house they're not allowed to use the word "fart"-- they ere on the side of manners and use the phrase "passed gas." Obviously we're not related by blood.
On top of that, his family takes church very, very seriously. If I had to wager a guess, Nathan would never be allowed to give a Primary talk that firmly reminded people why they shouldn't bring a cantaloupe into the Temple. James on the other hand, gave that talk just yesterday--it was a very, very, very proud moment for me. Because seriously, a cantaloupe is really hard to conceal. How smart is he?

Little boys and curls are ADORABLE!
Some of us have to learn the cantalope lesson the hard way. He's really doing a service to those furture temple goers.
wow, you should publish that talk on a mormon website somewhere. i know many moms who would love to use it in a pinch.
Wow, that picture is awesome. And I also want to hear about the cantaloupe-smuggling skills.
I love that picture!!
That is so cute! :)
hells bells your child is adorable.
as are the other children. of course.
Nathan's smile made me start laughing just by looking at it! Such a great pic.
Such angels :) Even if they are all laughing at a fart joke :)
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