It's Not Just a Saying

June 22, 2010

It's true, we joined a CSA this summer. Long story short, we paid a farmer a couple hundred bucks at the end of the winter, and now that it's growing season we head to the farm every Thursday to pick up a big basket of just picked, organic vegetables.

Last week, when I got home and unloaded the bags, here's what it looked like.

Um, yeah--that's a frig load of vegetables, especially for a single week. And that one on the bottom there? You can bet your ass I had to google it to figure out that it was a head of bok choy--same stuff that you pick around in your Chinese takeout. Huh. Who knew?

Yesterday, while I was on my run I counted up my fruit and veggie servings for the day, and believe it or not, I lost track at fifteen. FIFTEEN! When's the last time you ate fifteen servings of vegetables in a day?Probably two nevers ago. Am I right or am I right?

So last night I was out for a run, and the whole thing was moving along just beautifully--a warm night, a setting sun, birds bobbing around on the water. And as for me? Well, I felt fantastic. Even at mile seven, when it suddenly felt like some sicko dropped a ten pound kettlebell into my colon, I felt like a jillion bucks and didn't break my pace.

I made it home with a smile on face and called for my dog. I was like, "Hey Gracie! Let's go for a walk! If you poop on the carpet I'll sell you to the glue factory! Let's go!"

She sauntered over and off we went.

We did exactly what we usually do--walked down the hill, past the lake, over to the trash can, up the other hill, and so on and so forth. I was plugged into a cooking podcast about ham and asparagus, and I was one happy girl.

While I was walking up the second hill, I was totally and completely surprised when a truck came speeding up behind me and laid on the horn.

So surprised, that I pooped in my shorts right there on Sandy Hill Road.

Apparently, if you eat enough vegetables, you literally can get the sh!t scared right out of you. I should know, I'm an expert.

Happy Tuesday.


Jody said...

Best thing I've read all day! lol.

Georgia Snail said...

best. post. ever.

...say, did you ever finish that post about your new "calling"?

X-Country2 said...

You did not. that's AWESOME.

Helena said...

AWESOME. Not for you, obviously. But it made my day.

Bahston Beans said...

Welcome to the shart club! Our most recent member, Jennie, welcomes you!

P.O.M. said...

Noooooooooooooooo! What did you do? I saw a lady during my last marathon that had done that and kept running. I was seriously disturbed for a good hour.

Morgan Hagey said...

HAHAHAH! I mean, um... HAHAHAH! Nice one Amy.

thegatewoodfamily said...

I am almost speechless... I said almost. Thank you, I needed a good laugh!

Michelle Glauser said...

My favorite: "it suddenly felt like some sicko dropped a ten pound kettlebell into my colon."

Lynda said...

And this Amy, is the reason I will continue to be a loyal reader of your blog(s). It's not often I can actually laugh at something I've read online. This just make my day.

wendy said...

That's why I stick to french fries and onion rings.

P.O.M. said...

Ha ha - sorry, but you popped in my head when I was running (wow, that sounds creepy). I always think of blog posts while I'm running.

TNTcoach Ken said...

Okay, that's the one thing I haven't done yet!

P.O.M. said...

You know I luv ya Amers - if you want me to take off the link, let me know :)

JAMIE said...

tears, I have tears, and my boys are wondering why...should I explain it to them? LOL