Listen Up!

May 9, 2011

There's a small possibility that this blog could suddenly switch to private access for a little while. If it does, and you're not expecting it, just send a request to LawsonAmyB @ I'll let you in, I swear I will. So write that email address down somewhere. If I'm able to give you a heads up, I will.

I'm not planning to mention why it might go private, but it might. And if it does, you should all be excited for me. If it doesn't go private, that means I'm crying myself to sleep. Kidding. Kind of. But for now, no more details. And believe me, you wouldn't be able to guess this if I gave you thirty-two thousand tries.

In other exciting news....

I passed a Hunter's Safety class, and now I'm licensed to shoot anything from a crow to a bear. So watch the hell out. In reality, I probably won't shoot anything at all. Jared has trained Coach to be a really excellent bird dog, so I want to be able to tromp around the woods with those two. Plus, I love to fire off a round every now and again. Okay fine, maybe I'll shoot something...but probably just a bird. Or a moose.

I'm coaching a Couch to 5k kind of class in Maine this summer. My runners will get to learn everything they'll ever need to know about my sport of choice. From choosing the right shoes, to properly taking a whiz in the woods, it'll be covered. Send me an email if you're local and interested in hanging out with me on Saturday mornings.

On Friday, James, my six year old worked up the courage to tell me that I'm not giving him the life he wants for himself. Well kid, it's either this or farm labor....take a pick.

I have a book review and giveaway coming on Friday.

And finally, I need parenting advice. Should I let James practice his beat boxing while he's in time out or should he have to sit quietly? I'm really conflicted over this...


paige said...

first - you are a tease... totally curious over here.
secondly - beat boxing is a skill he will desperately need in the real world. Let the kid practice as much as he can. (it's better than moo'ing and writhing :)

Alisha said...

I love your blog so I hope you get what you are expecting.

As for parenting tips, most of what has helped us is what we got through our agency when we decided to expand our family. Their views are that 1) Time out should be a means of allowing a child to calm down in a safe environment and 2) You should ignore the non-harmful, attention-seeking habits you want them to stop.

Finally, the tool we just discovered (any may help you in the future) is "Siblings Without Rivalry" by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish. (Easy read with cartoons.) It has really helped us with our bio (3 yrs old) and adopted (6 & 8 yrs old) sons.

Good luck on going private!

Tristy said...

sooooo curious.....teasers stink...and I agree with my good friend, paige......let him beat box away as long as he keeps his rear end firmly in time out.....i wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that he is doing it and maybe he will stop.

that is what I do to stop the awful noise that is supposed to be whistling....ugh.

Tara M said...

Hmmm, not being a mother myself to anything with less than 4 legs I'm not sure what to say about the whole 'time out' thing. Is he any good at that beat boxing thing? If so, I'd say let him do it. If not, perhaps he could take up something quieter... like knitting.

Hope this helps :D

David said...

So you've gotten plenty of thoughtful advice on time out. I'll just add: if you want to stop the beat boxing, just require him to practice. I'd give it a week.

amanda said...

Well I'm a semi-lurker (I may have commented on a few posts in the past.) BUT I will definitely be requesting an invite if your blog goes private.

I love your storytelling skills and funny attitude.

Good luck with whatever it is!

gina said...

Jenny P. said...

only a little confused, but happily sticking around to see what happens. And if you go private, oh, i so will follow.

jadine said...

Got your email addy saved; just in case.

Time-out...I guess it's technically fine that he beat-boxes in time-out (he's supposed to be removed from the situation, and calming down, right), BUT I want don't want my kids to *enjoy* time-out! I want them to be *quiet* and *sorry* and *thinking-about-what-they've-done*!
Sigh. It's probably okay, but I don't like it. And what are you supposed to do, *make* him stop it? I dunno.

Grandma said...

is there gonna be a fee? where's the coin slot on this computer?

Pam @ said...

Last picture I saw of James he was still pretty white, so he probably needs all the beat boxing practice he can get.

Although my curiosity is killing me not knowing why, since it obviously means that it would make you really, really happy, I hope this blog goes private very soon!

Karen said...

no beat boxing in "time out". That's Mom's time for some peace and quiet!

Fun Mama said...

Was dcfullest--now I'm at

Fun Mama said...

UGH!!! Who knows where my original comment went, now it looks like I was just pimping my new blog....
To summarize:

1. Yes beat boxing

2. Doing a learn to run program, check out their site, might be helpful:

Mrs. Potts said...

I'm a creeper stranger - I think I might have commented here once or twice. But I'm not a stalker or an ax murderer. And I think you're pretty hilarious. And if you do go private, I'd like to keep reading...
lindseypotts711 at gmail dot com

Wade said...

You have no idea who I am and if you ever go private, I'd think my life was over. You are freakin' funny and awesome. So if you decide you want a friend from a weirdo, here is my email:

Erin said...

Don't you have like 600 people who read your blog? And you are only allowed 100 invites. However, I love reading your blog and would be SO sad if it wasn't available to me. So, if you have room after inviting 99 of your closest friends, I would love to have an invite.

Here's hoping that whatever happens for you is good!

eringirl13 at gmail dot com

Krista said...

Glad to know I'm not the only weirdo reading your blog. I suspected I might not be alone but am happy to get confirmation. You should do one of those "I'm Mormon" commercials. You could tell your story about the missionaries and you being nude paralyzed when they came charging in.