One of those days
September 5, 2007

There are days when my husband demands to know why the dishes are lying in the sink instead of neatly stacked the dishwasher.

There are days when my two-year-old has elaborate, long-winded requests that I can't, for the life of me, begin to understand.

There are days when the ceiling leaks yellow goo onto my brand new shirt from the Gap.

There are days when my toddler discovers the power of pinching and biting--at the exact same time.

There are days when my dog poops in the "Yard of the Month" and I sadly discover that my poop bag has seven or eight holes.

There are days when I step on a freshly squished raccoon.

And there are days when I lock myself in the downstairs bathroom, cuddle up next to the dryer and eat two beautiful Hostess Cupcakes at nine o'clock in the morning.

So far, today has been one of those days.


sarah said...

You are so damn funny! I can totally see the yellow goo thing happening.

Anonymous said...

Amy - That picture has me absolutely salivating for Hostess Cupcakes! I have another 50 minutes until lunch and you can guess what I'm getting - you know, just to support you of course!

Mindy said...

I really hope your day gets better! I've had a hostess cupcake few days...if I could only find one in my house!

jahowie said...

So what you are saying is that you are having a bad day? :-) I guess I'm not the only one. My stress food was Cool Ranch Doritos. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for about 6 months now and I find that every day it brings a smile to my face. I can't thank you enough for the laughter and the tears. I just wanted you to know that your daily writing is appreciated. I hope that you are able to take these blogs and go forth with your book.

The Ramos Family said...

I totally have those days (especially the really long-winded request from a two year old that you can't understand...haha).

HOWEVER, yesterday was not one of those days because I got this really awesome magnet in the mail!!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, hallelujah! I was sitting here debating whether to get on my treadmill, go to the gym, or give in to the craving I've been having for a fast food burger and a Dunkin donut. Now your cupcake story has totally put me over the edge. I'm going out for donuts! Thanks. Love your blog! Oh, and my sink is full of dirty dishes, too.

Katy Shamitz said...

sounds tasty!

k said...

If only I had some fresh milk in the house, I'd join you with the last cupcake in my cupboard.

Hang in there....

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I spent over an hour at work yesterday reading your blog. You are seriously one of the funniest writers out there!

In particular: the post about your boy using your brush and coming back to see Billy Crystal had replaced him -I laughed SO loud & hard I had all the patrons staring at me. Love it!

J~Mom said...

Wait, wait, wait.....that is not a normal day? Except for the raccoon it all looks so normal. :>)

Hope it gets better!

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering for a delicious chocolate cupcake!

Candis said...

Amy, I actually hope your day gets worse. It makes me laugh and feel better about locking myself in the bedroom and drying my hair or vacuming- just so I can't hear those little people! thanks for the laugh. a well earned cupcake I would say.

Anonymous said...

Two? there are days I could eat a whole box. It will always get better.

Jes said...

Awww I hope your day gets better. I know that chocolate does have a way of smoothing things over. (o: I want one of those cupcakes now!

By the way, is your hip feeling better?


Team O'Connor said...

Nothing like making yourself feel better by eating something decadent all alone. Every Sunday on my mission in Brazil, I would excuse myself from sacrament meeting and eat half a roll of cookies in a bathroom stall alone. Sounds kind of distgusting, but it was really the only time to be alone. My companion probably thought I had unusual intestinal problems, but that's pretty much how I made it a year and a half. I gave away the other half to the kids in the ward as some kind of penance for skipping out on 15 min each Sunday :)

Grandma said...

did you take a swig out of those flip flops to wash them down? also are you still in there? xo

Patty said...

Nice, very nice... love this post... I can soooo relate!!

Marcy said...

You better get that bulk box of cupcakes for a day like that. Hopefully it will get better :-)

Jess said...

I don't think I've had a hostess cupcake since about 5th grade, but now I am totally craving one! Hope the day improved!

Anonymous said...

I am with Mel...just 2 - come on - the whole box will cure what ails you. As I say, a good cookie will change your life.

Lori said...

I sure hope the day got better, but those days, unfortunately, are just a fact of life. At least you had some cupcakes in the house to help ;)

Anonymous said...


You ever thought of going into advertising?

You ought to send the URL for your blog over to Hostess......


TheOneTrueSue said...

In my world eating two Hostess Cupcakes before lunch is called "Tuesday."

But I'm sorry you had a bad day...

Sarah said...

The raccoon thing had me gagging. And yet as an excuse not to do dishes it's perfect!