September 19, 2007
Just a few items of business today:
1. Check out these pictures that I took at the park the other day.
The first one is James being cute at the water fountain. The second one is James being cute with a stick.
And the third one? Well, that's a girl being much too large for the baby swing. I caught that one with my power zoom. Sweeeet!
Double click if you'd like a better view.
2. Click here to read the mention I got on Ali's blog. She hasn't taken a day off from running since June--that's about eighty days. While you're there go ahead and leave her a comment subtly suggesting a new duck hunting or puppeteering.
3. And finally, I need your help. If you read this blog regularly, then you know that we're moving from Dallas, Texas to Portland, Maine in three short months. People have already started to ask me what I'll do with the name and URL adress of this blog after the move. Well, I have NO idea!
The current URL is:
Should it stay or should it go? I'm reluctant to change it for logistical reasons...
And the current name is: The Lawsons do Dallas!
I understand that this has to go, but what should it become?
I need your suggestions! If there are a bunch of good ones, then we'll do a poll, I'll ignore the results and pick my favorite option anyway. Doesn't that sound like a good time?
Put on your thinking caps and leave me a suggestion. Thanks!
I've been wondering this for a long time. I even wonder if I was the first to ask you what it would be changed to . . .
How about texansturnedchiropractors? Or
definitely keep the same url. seriously, there is no reason to change it.
and i'm glad to see someone else who is a spycammer like me!
Off the top of my head?
Awesome Lawson.
I'm at work right now and I don't like to think too much while I'm here, but I'll mull it over later on and come back with any additional suggestions I come up with.
What about The Lawson's DID Dallas. or is that stupid?
I think something like The Maine Thing.
Keep your URL though and just change your title. People get grumpy when you move your blog around (trust me I know this ;>)). PLUS and I had to learn this the hard way, once you have an established URL that has regular hits, if you abandon it yucky people snatch it up. My old blog was ~Javamom on the Run~ and I dropped it and some porn people started using it. I kid you not. Blogger told me it happens all the time. Blogger locked it up but for now but the yucky people own it now since I gave up the url.
How about Maineiac Lawsons
"The Lawsons No Longer Do Dallas"?
I like what someone else sugested with "The Lawsons DID Dallas."
Keep the same url. It'll be way easier, and hardly anyone notices the diff between the url and the blog's name.
The first thing I thought was The Lawsons DID Dallas, too.
And, if porn people are snatching up urls, I would guess "granolasdodallas" would be one they would want pretty bad :X
Well, I don't think you should use The Lawsons Did Dallas. It seems too retrospective. You should be excited about moving and if you're at all sad about leaving Dallas naming the blog 'The Lawsons Did Dallas' will just remind you about that every time you look at it! I think the new name should definitely focus on your new home... what that name is though - sorry no ideas here! Perhaps something to do with seafood? ha.
How about this for the name of you page:
Dabes es a gud time!
1st of all...James is adorable.He looks so much bigger than when we saw him in July. And that did it grow! can't wait to see him soon!
for names: Mainely Lawson, We're Baack...How's your back?(chiropractic theme), The Granolas Rejoin the (Trail)mix,Granolas Do Katahdin-that's a mountain in Maine for you out west friends.or YIPEE GRANDMA IS SO HAPPY SHE CAN NOW DRIVE TO SEE JAMES!!!
If this was a contest, I think that Mother Smuckers just won it.
"Dabes es a gud time!" Easily gets my vote.
But if you don't like that one here are some alternates:
"The Maine Event"
"Maine-taining my Sanity"
"Mainely Fiction" - since you make stuff up.
Hmmmm The Lawsons Do Dallas then Portland?
Keep the url, but I'd suggest abandoning location references all together. You never know where life will take you. Plus, in the end, your blog didn't have a lot to do with Dallas anyway, so why let Maine steal the show? (Obviously Maine is about 100 times cooler than Dallas, literally and figuratively, but still.) I haven't thought of anything yet, but I'm sure your loyal readers will come up with something that captures the fabulousness that is your blog.
I think I have to put my vote in for Vanilla's suggestion of "Mainely Fiction". That's the funniest ever!
Thanks for the mention, Amy!
I do like Lawsons did Dallas, but Vanilla's, Mainely Fiction suggestion is good ... it has a pulp fiction feel, and goes with quest to be a writer!
I agree with Lisa. I will beat you if you change the URL :P And you KNOW I'm close to Portland . . .I can drive there in a day LOL. Or I can just have my husband do the hit since he has to go up there once a month for business meetings :P
Totally agree with the others - keep the url and change the name - that way people don't have to change favorites or link lists. Nobody notices the URL...
Mainely Fiction and "...a gud time" get my vote(s).
Back to Maine? I am so jealous. I'm a transplanted New Englander too, and every summer I ask myself why Why WHY am I in Texas??? Did I ever tell you that my dad's family is from Hancock and Washington Counties? And my family lived on Mt Desert Island for 2 1/2 years while I was in college. The first summer I went home, I worked in a sardine factory and the second summer at a lobster restaurant in Bar Harbor.
I'm so jealous you get to move to Portland. We lived an hour south of there (in Kittery) for 3 years an I miss it so much. I can't wait to go back.
I like Vanilla's idea.
Amy, I love, "Dabes es a gud time"! It perfectly captures James and the whole nutty fiction of your blog!
Keep the name! People move so much these days that it's nice to have a few things stay the same like cell phone numbers and web addresses.
I so regret clicking on that swing photo to see a bigger version of that big hinnie...
Keep the URL. It's indecipherable anyway if you don't have a frame of reference for it. I would shake off any geographical location in the name - too restrictive. Do The Lawsons Live or Life with the Lawsons or something generic that can easily transfer. Good luck!!
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