Item 1. An Explanation
Yes, that's an advertisement in the right hand column of my blog. So why did I do it? Why did I sell out to the BlogHer ad network? Because it will bring in enough cash to cover my car payment every month. That's all there is to it.
Item 2. Some Relationship Advice
When your toddler goes to bed before 7, your spouse gets home around 7:15, and the apartment is spotless and clean, it could be a good night for some romance.
I'd suggest a quiet dinner, a fire in the fireplace, champagne glasses filled with purple KoolAid, and a new lovetastic play list on your iPod.
Just be sure to double check that the song "Baby Got Back" by Sir MixaLot doesn't inadvertently make it onto the play list somewhere between "Angel" and "Crash into Me." Because if it did, that could make for a very awkward moment.
But that's just a guess, because it's never happened to me before. Really, it hasn't.
Item 3. A Complaint
I have to leave for work now. Have a great day, everyone!
Good for you, Amy. You deserve to have your car payment made by your hard work here! Congrats!
A car payment huh? I might have to look into that.
Hahaha... I just imagined that scenario (interruption of Baby Got Back) happening in my own home (minus the toddler)... wow. Funny, funny stuff.
umm..unless you paying for some hot wheels for James that banner may take a while!
But to show my soldarity, I'm gonna click every ad you put up :)
nice amy! way to get trixie paid for!
Ugghh. Work. Don't remind me.
"I like big butts and I cannot lie"
hahahaha. Oh, boy! Actually, I looked up the song lyrics and they are very raunchy, so I can see why it would be terrible. However, you do brag about the 150 lbs. all the time, you know...HEE!
I'm glad you found a way to make some extra money. Way to go!
My favorite "Baby got Back" moment is when Rachel on Friends sings it to her baby to make her smile...I tried it and it made my baby smile too, who knew!
Congratulations on your car payment! You really do deserve it!
Wow, a whole car payment? Last I checked, lots of those ads would only bring in pennies for my blog.
That's awesome! Congrats!
Go check out the BlogHer ads! These aren't your Grandma's google ads, you guys! You get paid according to number of hits, not the number of ad clicks. It's great!
Oh, and I should tell you that I drive a very basic car. No power anything, and it was the cheapest on the lot, so it's not a big payment!
So, everytime I open up your blog, you get money? You are going to be able to make car payments because I go to your page at least 5 times a day to see if you have updated.
Good for you to make some cash off your life!
Perhaps romance can be found in hip hop.... "She Ain't nuthin' but a hoochie mama" is bound to spice up someone's love life. And don't forget about "Back that A$$ up." Always a pleaser.
I'm with POM on those songs. I kinda like it...hehehe!
Not only do you get your car paid for, I get to learn more about the TVboss and how to regulate my children's television viewing. Thank you, Amy!
If i click alot, will you get a house? Maybe I should just try to get enough to buy your lost hubcap!
Good for you, Amy! I've been thinking you ought to advertise, ever since you blogged about Dawn ("Because I Said So")of the famed Pokemon ebay auction, and she went commercial. I hope you make some serious moolah!
So, is it possible to recover from the awkward Baby Got Back moment? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
I'm preparing to sell out as well - just got approved - yippee! So, as you can imagine, I fully support how you sold out :>
you could even buy a NEW car. I check your blog like a million times a day. oh and BTW, i thought you were a babysitter. did you gat a real job?
You are hilarious. I will stop here several times a day in order to
a. have a laugh &
b. crank up the bucks
go to elfyourself.com for some party fun... I'm having trouble getting into the website,but it was alot of fun last yr!
I replied on the wrong post:))
Useless trivia #57 -
When Baby Got Back was released in the early 90's, they made a huge balloon, the size of the kinds in the Thanksgiving parade, shaped like a butt to promote the song.
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