November 11, 2007
It's no secret, I stink at sending thank you notes. Just ask anyone who's ever given me a gift. I get the gift, I love the gift, it changes my life and I vow to treasure if for time and all eternity--but the giver will probably never know, because I'll likely never tell them.
My mother, on the other hand, will send a thank you note to the bank teller who let her borrow a pen to fill out a deposit slip.
I'm a total and utter disgrace.
I'd like to take this opportunity to send some overdue thank you messages to friends and loved ones across the map:
To Aunt Cheryl: Thank you for the ten zillion generous gifts you've sent to me, Jared and James. I sure hope that the thank you emails expressed my gratitude sufficiently. I love you even more than I love skipping church.
To Aunt Jill: I love all of the outfits you buy for James from Lord & Taylor. I like to dress him in your high-end gifts on Wednesdays. It's his cleanest day of the week.
To Lynda: I honestly can't remember if I ever sent a grateful little note for James's hand sewn Spiderman vest and hat, but he loves them both. He's under the impression that the vest makes him run faster and jump higher. I'm like, "believe whatever you want to, kid!"
To Mrs. Ward: I sincerely hope that I sent you a thank you note for the graduation check. You really didn't have to send that, but I sure did appreciate it. We used it to pay for a lovely post-graduation date at a trendy Thai restaurant. I wish you had been able to come to dinner with me that night, because those fresh rolls gave Jared the farts something wicked. That wouldn't have happened to you.
To Jared's entire extended family: Sorry if you never received a thank you note for the wedding gifts that you sent. The notes were Jared's responsibility, so it's his fault. Take it up with your nephew.
And finally,
To my faithful blog readers everywhere: Thanks a million for your votes in the recent Weblog Award Contest. I ended up placing a very respectable sixth in the funniest blog competition. Barring the fact that six is the devil's number, it's not a bad place to end up as a newbie blogger.
Next year, I hope to take sixth place in the national presidential election. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress.
I'm the opposite. Somewhere in my youth I got the idea that if I sent a thank you note, the giver might give me another gift. That hasn't actually happened, but I still send the note, for hopelessly selfish reasons.
I used to be the ultra plus card giver. Back when I was young enough to get an allowance, my father used to take me to the mall and I would go to the Hallmark store to stock up on beautiful stationary, stickers, cards for every possible occasion and holiday. Of course, that included note cards, thank you notes, and wax for the seal that had my initial! I never missed a birthday, anniversary, etc. Maybe that is why people still remember me on my birthday and at Christmas every year. I LOVE IT!!!
P.S: Missed you tons today.
We should be thanking you for sharing with us everyday! :>)
When will you find out how well Jared did on today's all-day insanely stressful test? We're anxious to hear. (I suspect he kicked some serious kiester. The boy really knows his way around the ole back.)
Nursery wasn't the same without you -- quiet day, though.
Hey, Amy! I just thought of a way you can show your gratitude for my magnificent posts. (hee!)
Would you please kindly promote my blog? I need more comments!
¡Muchas gracias, seƱora!
6 is only the devil's number when paired with two other 6es. Otherwise, it's a perfectly awesome number!
unrelated question.. what is the scene for this year's christmas card? last year's will be hard to beat! and the suspense is killing me...
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