Okay, fine. We haven't really cancelled the move, but believe-you-me, I'm tempted. This desire has nothing to do with the major inconvenience of packing, the long drive ahead, or the friends that I will miss so dearly. It's bigger than that. It's James's hair.
You see, James is already up North with his Grandma and Pep. Prior to this trip, I had never been away from James for more than one night. Couple that with the fact that I'm mostly a stay-at-home mom, and you can imagine how strange it is to be without my three-foot-tall growling troll companion. In order to keep my sadness at bay, my mom has been posting pictures of James's daily activities on her blog each night.
To be quite honest, I don't miss James that much--I know he's in good hands. Sure, I've been buying him a little toy any time I step into Target, and sure I have the occasional twinge of sadness when I turn around and exclaim "Do you see that kitty pooping?!" only to find an empty car seat, but mostly I'm enjoying the freedom. I've been eating out, cruising the mall, and doing a bang-up job glorifying my temporary role as a stay-at-home woman.
Anywho, I was shocked when I checked my mom's blog last night. James's hair, which is far and away my most significant source of parental pride, looks totally different. It's changed completely.
This is James's hair in Texas (can't you see why it drastically elevates my self esteem?):

And this is James's hair in New England:

Where's the fro? Where are the curls? Where is my purpose for living? My mom swears up and down that she hasn't brushed through James's hair. She claims that the humidity in Texas was responsible for the helmet-shaped hair do, and now that we're moving home we'll be parents to a normal looking kid.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that James isn't "normal looking" in these pictures by any stretch of the imagination. He looks like an exceptionally cute, but hung-over Ronald McDonald with a serious case of bedhead. Or he might resemble a happy Donald Trump at age three.
Either way, James needs a haircut. Or a home perm. I'll probably go with the perm.
He looks YEARS older with his New England hair. Go with the perm!
Have a safe trip!
Lyssa...you're right. He does look older :o(
And did you notice that he has a plate full of vegatables and a cake in his hand? That just made me laugh out loud.
I do the same thing when my kiddos are gone. Look there is a firetruck! Then I just get sad. LOL I think he looks cute with his New England hair hair.
It's moisture! Moisture, moisture, moisture! The dry heat in the NE during the winters dries it right out. Go get this stuff: Redken Smooth Down Detangling Cream. I swear. I live in California (as you know), and put it on my wonky hair last night, and voila! The curls were back! Curls will resume as soon as you replace the moisture.
Crossing fingers...
Ahhh Come on Amy...just give the boy some manliness and cut his hair!! =) Remember, JT looked good when he cut his hair short too!!
Don't believe your mom, I bet she's had the hair dryer and styling products out! Bless him, he looks so cute.
Mousse. You need some styling products to keep up the 'fro.
I wondered how you'd cope without your little sidekick. It's like missing a part of yourself when they're gone.
But James still looks like a little cherub. So cute! Maybe he helped himself to some conditioner in the bath! :-)
He's the cutest any way you look at it. His hair is so much longer on top in the later photos. Sorry you're missing your little man so much!
Hahaha, that is hysterical! He is cute either way, but I am thinking a hair cut or perm is in order.
My best friend complains about the same thing. We're in Houston, but she's originally from Colorado. When she is here her son's hair is curly. In Colorado....mullet!
R...Justin Timberlake? Hee.
Amy, a good curl activator will fix the problem. Of course, that means shelling out dough for hair products but, hey, there's a doctor in the house now! ;)
It kind of has a Farrah Fawcett thing going on!
yo- do you really want to get into having to use product on the boy's hair?
i forgot about the climate change- i think it's either long lovely locks or a trip to see Dad's barber friend...
haha... those pics are damn funny! What a difference! I'm still willing to bet there's been a brush through that hair on more than one occasion since James has been with grandma.
I think he looks adorable w/his curls, Amy! He's so stinkin' cute. you're just going to have to be a better parent now thj\at u can't take credit for the awesome fro! ;-)
ok so I brushed it for the dinner photos since he looked like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein by the time I got home.Today it is tight curls again..it does what it wants.
And here I was thinking it was only women that suffered hair changes between climates:)
Cut the hair. he would look great with a flat-top haircut. Reading your blog, I was thinking that maybe your mom got him a haircut without you. Now that would be something to blog about.
That is what is going on with my hair..It is Texas!
Too cute!
I don't know what I was expecting when I scrolled down to see the different hair but when I did I involuntarily screamed "WHAT?" and almost pee'd my pants laughing. Not AT James, but at the fact that it looks so completely different!!! I live in Southeast PA and have crazy curls myself. I wonder how different my hair could look somewhere else.
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