Happy New Year, everyone! I'm not sure how you rang in 2008, but I celebrated by watching my one hundred pound brother-in-law do a killer back flip off the roof of his parents' house at the stroke of midnight. He was wearing nothing but long johns and a homemade tank top that sported the slogan "Happy New Year Suckers."
We capped off the night by testing a canine shock collar on my innocent, sleeping husband. And just in case you're wondering, a shock collar set to "7" does in fact pack enough punch to make a full grown Mormon man swear like an eighth grade sailor.
I have a sneaking suspicion that 2008 is going to be one of my best years ever. Yes, I'm basing this assumption entirely on recent fortune cookie readings, but they've been unbelievably accurate as of late, so cut me a frigging break.
For example, on opening day of baseball season, my fortune said: YOUR SPORTS TEAM WILL EXPERIENCE GREAT SUCCESS THIS YEAR. And then, several months later, the Sox went all the way to win the World Series in a four game stomping. Trust me folks, the little strip of paper containing that bit of optimistic confidence has been archived into my "Thank You Very Much" file.
And get a load of this...the night before Jared's graduation, my fortune cookie said: A FOUR WHEELED ADVENTURE WILL SOON BRING YOU GREAT JOY. Well, we moved across the country in a Budget rental truck, and so far I'm simply spitting with joy. That crappin' little cooking was right again. Dang!
And on that very same night--I kid you not--Jared's fortune said: YOU WOULD BE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL AS A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Maybe my mother-in-law rigged that cookie, I don't know. But either way it's convinced me that things are looking up, and some where, down the road, Jared Lawson will finally earn a paycheck. Hallelujah.
Allow me to leave you with one more fantastically encouraging experience. This afternoon, as I sauntered through my in-laws' kitchen wearing my Alf slippers and my 2008 tiara, I spotted a heaping pile of--what else?--fortune cookies. With a happy little prayer in my heart, I selected one from the middle of the pile, split it in half, and removed this miniature note of encouragement: YOUR TALENTS WILL BE RECOGNIZED AND SUITABLY REWARDED. As I read those words, I honestly had to fight back a tear or two. After I pulled myself together, I clasped that fortune in my hand, held my fist against my heart and thought, "I'm gonna win thirty-five bucks in a pie eating contest. How fantastic!"
According to the almighty power of Chinese superstition, the Lawsons are about to hit the big time. It's only been twenty-one hours, but so far, I'm really loving 2008.
Oh, and I think my New Year's resolution is pretty flapping obvious--I'm trying to lay off the Chinese food.
Happy New Year everyone!
I wish mine were as accurate as yours seem to be. My last one said, "You will inherit a large sum of money." That was quite a while ago, and I've yet to have a rich relative or acquaintance pass on.
Happy new year, Amy! Many adventures await us this year!! (And that is a fortune that is bound to come true!)
Maybe this will be the year you start/finish your book!
2008 is Great!
Happy New Year! We tried the shock collar on my brother once... the weird thing is that he willingly let us put it on him and try. He didn't enjoy it very much.
My mom has a friend who once had the job of writing the fortunes for fortune cookies. You might look into that as a side job. I've always thought a good one might be "YOU WILL DIE."
I always get really lame fortunes that aren't really fortunes. Like "A turtle will eventually win the race." That's NOT A FORTUNE. LAME.
Yours are better. And funny. Always with the funny. Happy new Year!
You know you're supposed to add the phrase "in bed" to the end of fortune cookie prophesies, right?
Happy New Year to you too!!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Amy! Tell Jared he needs to start bring home the big bucks for ya!
Happy New Year, Amy.. now please pass the cookies!
This is one of those days when I say... Poor Jared! Ouch. Kinda makes you feel sorry for the dogs who have to wear those collars, doesn't it?
Best of luck to you guys in 2008. Happy New Year!
P.S. Did the brother-in-law survive the jump?
Did you REALLY test the shock collar on a sleeping Jared!?
...i'm new here.
...but hey---Happy new Year!
Happy New Year to all of you! And I am running out to buy a cookie for myself!
May all your(good) cookies come true!
Sarah...Yes, we REALLY did test that collar on Jared
Lainey...welcome aboard!
I have to agree with Jess.
You know you're supposed to add the phrase "in bed" to the end of fortune cookie prophesies.
I finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. You've been up to a lot! I hope you have a very exciting and blessed New Year!!
My hubby had one last night that said "A HUGE BURDEN WOULD WILL BE RELIEVED VIA PHONE CALL OR MAIL." This is huge since we are eagerly awaiting the promotion results.
My hubby had one last night that said "A HUGE BURDEN WOULD WILL BE RELIEVED VIA PHONE CALL OR MAIL." This is huge since we are eagerly awaiting the promotion results.
yo- new post... today, please (no pressure).
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