A lot of people, particularly my sister, don't understand why I live in Maine. It's snowy, it's cold, the health care costs are outrageous ($10,000 deductible anyone?), the taxes are high, and my kid's school is way too small to teach him how to play a stringed instrument.
None of those things bother me so much. After all, we like to ski, we're not planning on any major illnesses or accidents, taxes stink no matter where you live, and if James desperately wants to play the cello we'll sign him up for private lessons.
In the early 50's, my father's parents worked unbelievably hard to move their family out of Northern Maine and give them a new, better life in Connecticut. I often wonder if my Memere and Pepere are exasperated up in heaven, knowing that I voluntarily moved my family back.
But it doesn't keep me awake at night because yesterday morning Jared and I hopped into the car, drove for 20 minutes, and hiked around in this:

I have friends moving to Maine soon for the same reasons - it's definitely beautiful...but maybe I'll stick to visiting!
You guys look VERY happy!! Good for you!! Just promise me that you won't develop some lame canadian accent...like my cousins in Minnesota!
I'm so happy for your post-Dallas joy! Even though I love love love my friends in Dallas, that's about the only thing I miss about Texas. Moving to a place with bona fide natural beauty did wonders for me. Looks like you feel the same. Good work!
Wow, Amy, Maine is absolutely gorgeous! Here I am regretting not taking U of Maine's offer to me five years ago. Okay, but just for a second, I love where I am too. :)
Beeeyouuuteeeful! Yep, that's what I like about living in Maine, too. That and the fact that it's not too crowded.
yeah, it's ok...
maine is pretty. :)
you guys look very happy... not in the "forest" address anymore!!!
I've spent time camping in Maine. There's no wondering why you'd move there. Tis a gorgeous state.
Maine is beautiful!
Bill and I will be at out place near Wolfeboro NH from June 14-22. Your hike photos look like our hike photos from NH!
our, not out
Looks beautiful! I do need a spot to vacation this summer!
My brother has a place in Maine which I love but spend more time at my camp in Vermont. I can feel my stress levels get higher and higher when I can't get up north for the weekends to breathe fresh air.
My next weekend up there (after my Mother's THREE WEEK visit is over) I'm heading up to Stowe to hike the ridge.
Enjoy the great views and fresh air!
Wow.. incredible scenery!
Looks like you two had a fantastic day. It is somewhat reminiscent of our weekend way out here in Western WA. I don't think the schools here offer lessons for stringed instruments, either, but I think the trade-off is worthwhile. Besides, as someone who took cello lessons, percussion looks WAY cooler and has potential to lead to a rock band experience!
I can see why you love it!
Holy crap that's beautiful. Once upon a time I had pictures of nature and the earth's beauty on my blog, but now I live in an ergonomic armpit called Wichita Falls and rely on your blog to remind me that Texas isn't really the only state.
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