Be prepared to hate me.
We didn't chaperon the church dance last Friday night.
I know.
I for one, was beyond disappointed with the very unfortunate turn of events. Every single teenager from our congregation bailed, which left us--two lonely, grown up chaperons with absolutely no one's fun to ruin.
I took the call letting us know that we were off the hook. And after that, I was the one who flatly informed Jared we were going to the dance anyway...
ME: I don't care if the kids aren't going! My outfit is all laid out! We're going to the dance!
ME: Yes!
ME: Yes!
JARED: I'll take you to the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet instead.
ME: A movie, too?
JARED: Okay.
ME: Deal.
ME: Deal.
So off we went, to the Chinese buffet and then to see Slumdog Millionaire, which, I might add, deserved each and every one of its eight Academy Awards.
And before I move on, I know what all you Mormons are thinking....But Amy! Slumdog Millionaire is rated R! We're not supposed to watch R rated movies! My Word!
Well guess what? My mother-in-law told me I should see it, and I'm not claiming to be any kind of master scriptorian or anything, but I'm absolutely sure that somewhere in the Bible there's a verse that reads, "And the sins of the children shall rest upon the heads of their Mothers-in Law." Or something like that.
So in all actuality, my mother-in-law's gonna have some serious explaining to do when she tries to get into heaven someday. I wish her only the best.
So, on the way to the movie, Jared and I stopped to eat at The Silver City China Buffet. The sign said it was "The Finest Food in this Fine City." And really now, who was I to doubt something so convincing? After all, I'm humble (and fun to be around).
We entered the buffet, paid our nine dollars each, and within three seconds flat I'd loaded my warm, white plate with some boneless spare ribs, an eggroll, six pieces of sesame chicken, lo-mein, three crab rangoons, a spoonful of those crunchy noodles, and one piece of broccoli with garlic sauce. You know me...moderation in all things.
I settled into my booth, happily rubbed my palms together over my plate, and entered the beginning stages of spearing some chicken when something caught my eye.
It was a girl who, bless her heart, was wearing a little black tank top, probably size small. And her gut? Well, I'd have to venture a guess that her abdominal area was a comfortable size extra large. Her boobular region was spilling out of the boobular holders, and let's not forget, it's February in Maine. Tank tops are completely uncalled for--especially on our bigger lady friends.
Now don't get me wrong here--I myself am all to familiar with an extra large stomach area. But the difference? Mine remains covered at all times because no one, no one, wants someone else's stretch marks hanging in the General Tso's Beef.
I watched the fashion offender load her plate even higher than mine, and meticulously balance the deep-fried goods as she tiptoed over to the condiment station. Now she really had my attention. You see, I love duck sauce more than anyone else I know, and I was planning to lose my frickin' noodle if this woman had the audacity to defile my condiment of choice. That went for the sweet n' sour, too.
Again, I of all people, understand a passion for spicy mustard--but this girl? This girl planted her plate right on the condiment table, stared dipping her Chinese food items, one by one, into the communal condiment dishes and then consuming it right there on the spot.
Barf. On. Me.
At one point, I shiz you not, that woman had a good six inches of crab rangoon dangling from her teeth. And of course, just as you'd expect, it fell. Into the duck sauce. And she fished it out. With her fingers. And ate it again.
Okay now, barf on me a little more. Believe you me, I'm the woman who fought off an intense craving for a McDonald's double cheeseburger through the duration of 'SuperSize Me,' but damn, this was was above and beyond the call of duty. My world had officially been rocked.
So that's my tale of last Friday night. I still haven't recovered.
That would have rocked my world too.
I LOVE people watching...entertainment at it's best. But, it never ceases to amaze me what goes on in the buffet line.
And that's exactly why I don't eat at those places. I. cannot. handle. it. Ick!!
Slumdog was FANTASTIC! I'm glad you saw it!
I'm surprised that you're taking advice from your MIL. Isn't she the one who tried to kill you with Clorox wipes?
Amy. AMY. AMY!
All you can eat buffets are not OK.
Come on. I know you live in the Great North now, but we're from WH for Beavis' sake.
"And of course, just as you'd expect, it fell. Into the duck sauce. And she fished it out. With her fingers. And ate it again."
For once I'm speechless.
OH GOSH, that's classic! EWW.
I will never, ever eat in a buffet again. The general public is just so nasty!
You had me at "boobular"
Too funny (b/c I wasn't there eating!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a craving for a McDonald's while watching SuperSize Me!!!
That woman sounds classy! I can't believe your story ended there. Did you not throw a spare rib at her??? I sure would have but sometimes my reactions are not thought out very well.
I audibly gasped when I got to the end. I really did.
Buffets are gross when you REALLY think about it. So, it's best not to think about it. But if you actually WITNESS something, well, there's always therapy.
Oh wow. Sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I was so hungry that day and I just couldn't hold back! But then I was raised in rural Alaska and my friends are just now introducing the concept of double dipping.
And as for the tank top, my husband totally dared me to. You understand about that right?
I saw an XL chic in a Small tanktop over the weekend, too.
But, after reading of your saga, I shall never again enjoy the chinese buffet here. Hmph!
You lost me at Buffet.
I am officially grossed out of buffets.
Did you eat everything on your plate anyway?? Blahh...
I don't watch rated R movies but I had it on good authority that Slumdog Millionaire was worth is, so I went, and my corrupters were right. There's no reason for that to be Rated R. I don't get it. Violence, maybe? And it's still not as bad as a lot of other crap I've watched.
Anyway, I agree. Excellent movie.
And thanks for the buffet visual. You've put me off them for another year at least.
EW EW EW! I think all the skin hanging out of her tank top might be actually grosser than her fingers in the dipping sauce!
Haha! You make me want to skip all buffet's in Maine!
Oh Amy, PLEASE tell me you are kidding? How disgusting is that!!! So, did you eat anyways?
Not in the duck sauce!
And you didn't tell the manager? Freakin-A! I would have at least walked over to her table and barfed on her plate. I mean, no I would never do that. lalalalalalala
People just don't realize the effect they have on other people's appetite when they eat at a buffet!!!
Did you at least have MOVIE popcorn???
People just don't realize the effect they have on other people's appetite when they eat at a buffet!!!
Did you at least have MOVIE popcorn???
No freakin' way! That is awful! Well, I am definitely not craving chinese food now!
Mine remains covered at all times because no one, no one, wants someone else's stretch marks hanging in the General Tso's Beef.
With the possible exception of General Tso.
within three seconds flat I'd loaded my warm, white plate with some boneless spare ribs, an eggroll, six pieces of sesame chicken, lo-mein, three crab rangoons, a spoonful of those crunchy noodles, and one piece of broccoli with garlic sauce.
Got it. And seeing Slum-Dog Millionaire is considered the sin?
Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, R Movies, Envy, Gangsta Rap cd lyrics.
Yep. That's the way I remember the 7 deadly sins, too.
So your story checks out.
Oh my, I think I would have asked for a refund and hauled my butt to McD's. :)
I've been thinking about this.... it is so traumatizing.
You should have put her under citizens arrest.
Imagine it. That would have been freaking hysterical.
Please don't take me there!
And that's exactly why I don't eat at those places. I. cannot. handle. it. Ick!!
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