Well it's a good thing I have this ridiculous belly to draw the attention away from that make-upless face and the big, furry box on my head. Seriously, who's gonna be like, "Girl! You need a hair cut!" when they can be like, "Girl! Pick your stomach up this instant, it's dragging all over the sidewalk!"?

As of yesterday, I've officially placed myself into the "full blown spectacle" category.
omg you look GREAT!!!! All belly, so cute!
You are a Perdue oven stuffer roaster!!!!!!! xo
You look lovely in your maternal state. look at the glow!
Ok now that you are sufficiently pissed....
at least your ankles aren't softballs
I think you look like a cute beach ball smuggler!
All belly, that's the only way to go. I would have killed to look that good at 39 weeks! I was the polar opposite of "all belly." I was more of and "all butt, all thighs, all fat face, all arms, and all swollen ankles" kinda pregnant woman. It was just so very hot.
Oh, and have you started doing jump and jacks to get that little bugger out? I swear I was walking like 5 miles a day to try and get my daughter motivated. Yeah, I had to be induced. She just wasn't going to budge.
You look great, Amy! I wish I looked that good at 39 weeks...I just look like a huge blob when i'm that pregnant! Good for you...so exciting, the day is almost here!!!
Total beachball belly. You're so close!
Even thought I already posted this to facebook, it's too funny not to post here too. My husband's comment when I called him over to see this picture: "Dude! That doesn't even look real!" ...And now you a free to mock his baldness :)
You are such an adorable pregnant chica!
You do look great! Wishing you a fast week 39 and an early delivery! :)
You are too cute to be a spectacle.
39 weeks, totally the home stretch! Here's hoping you find a position comfortable enough to sleep in. :)
Your stomach is huge and you look so cute!!!!!!
You're too hard on yourself, Amy! When I was 39 weeks I had gained over 60 pounds, could only wear mens bedroom slippers slit up the side and had actual water leaking from cracks around my ankles. Can't imagine why all of the maternity magazines weren't knocking my door down to put me on their covers? Run naked, girlfriend, you're gorgeous!
Looking good.
U are just tooo cute for words...
You look awesome. If you want scary - check my blog. I have the latest belly pic on there (in my defense, I'm having twins and I'm short) but yes, I am a spectacle. Everyone feels the need to comment.
(and on a side note, I'm having my babies on your due date. GOOD LUCK!! I'm sure I'll be out of the blog world for a bit once they're here).
Enjoy your belly while it's still nice and firm........instead of a 'beach ball belly' your going to have a nice 'water bed belly' soon!!!!!!! You look great!
Good luck!
Oh gosh you are ADORABLE!!! I can't wait to "meet" this new baby!
YAY! You rock that pregnant belly! Good luck in the weeks to come :)
You look fabulous, Amy! :) I hope everything goes smoothly with this little one!! :)
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