Every now and again I feel the strong and sudden urge to write a tribute to a friend, and today is one of those days. I'm willing to bet a million-and-ten bucks that after you read this post, you'll wish that Jen was your friend, too.
Jennifer and I went to UMaine together, fell out of touch, and six years later we randomly found ourselves living two blocks apart in a town that has no traffic light. What are the chances?
We have a highly unique friendship as Jen is my Yin and I am her Yang. Here's why:
1) I'm a Mormon, Jen is an ex-Mormon. But we're both fluent in Mocabulary (Mormon + vocabulary = Mocabulary), so we can have some really great conversations.
For example: Oh my heck, I'm really excited that the Relief Society chorister and the Second Counselor in the Bishopric are getting sealed in St. George on Saturday. They're having a reception in the Cultural Hall next weekend, and I bought them matching CTR t-shirts for a gift.
See? Most of you have no frigging clue what I'm talking about. But my friend Jen? She knows.
2) I'm a hopeless gardener, but I swear up and down that Jen has a touch of carrot DNA flowing through her veins. I have a yard with a garden, Jennifer does not. Consequently, Jennifer has become my "hippy on call" and I have a beautiful vegetable garden to show for it. When neighbors stop to ask for tips on growing broccoli, I give them Jen's cell phone number. She's fine with that.
3) I lost my greyhound and Jen found my greyhound. I made her some bacon as a thank-you gift.
4) Jen is a very cautious eater. I am not. I make her try new things like avocados, mangoes, grapefruit, gooseberries and tabouli. Sometimes she likes my food and sometimes she doesn't, but despite our differences we do share a common passion for Twinkies, ice cream, Oreos, etc.
5) Jennifer doesn't own a TV. I can watch the home shopping network until my eyes melt out of their sockets. We still haven't really settled that one.
6) Jen knits her own socks. I buy my socks in a 42-pack from KMart. She's trying to teach me to knit my own clothing, but it's not panning out so well. Last I checked, it's completely unlawful to walk around town wearing nothing but a wool purse and a half-finished hat.
7) Jen clearly annunciates her Ts, Ds, and Ns. I just like to swear a lot.
Jen is a passionate, dedicated educator. I'm still a little foggy on what I do for work. She reads the classics, I read gab mags. But somehow, somehow, it just works out. She may be oil and I may be vinegar, but seriously, between the two of us we make one kick-ass vinaigrette.
See? Aren't you a little bit jealous?
Yippee for Jen! I enjoyed her about me section on her blog!
You made her bacon to thank her? That's hilarious. That makes me think of this:
I'm a little jealous that you get to live near her and I don't! Miss you Jen!
mmmm bacon...
Man, I wish she was my friend! Actually, it made me miss YOU!
There was only one word in the Mocab that I didn't get. (Have lots of mormies as friends)
Jen is cool.
ok, so I totally get it all except the morman thing, beign that I'm not & I dont' think I know anyone who is.....but I am super, no, I'm UBER jealous you have a friend like that.
BUT, maybe instead of bacon, she mighta wanted a TV!!! ;O)
Just a thought for next time! jk
Nothing says "thanks for finding my dog" like bacon. In fact, there's really no superior way of saying "thank you" than fryin' up some bacon for them.
Huh. Now I'm hungry.
Bacon to thank her??? I think Gracie would be more happy with that as a present!
She sounds wonderful.
The bacon was mighty fine, I must admit. And look at all these new friends I have! Aw, shucks. I went from 1 friend to .... (counting, don't disturb) .... 9!
Reason #14 to move to Maine....
10 new friends Jen! :)
You sound like 2 good friends...Jen, make sure she's not standing in that garden taking credit for it!!
Jen sounds fun, but I'd have gone Gracie hunting had I known there was pork product involved.
Sounds like a beautiful friendship, but you sure do have a weird way of thanking people. Bacon?!
Very jealous. I've got a Jen but she lives 6 hours away.
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