I sure hope you've been paying attention to this blog, because today I'm giving you a pop quiz.
Good luck.
Question 1.
This is a photo of our property line. Please identify which side of the yard belongs to Amy & Jared, and which side of the yard belongs to George & Marion.

Question 2.
Carefully study the three images below. Then determine if the photo was taken

Question 3.
This is a photo of Amy & Jared's and George & Marion's backyards. Please indicate whether Amy & Jared's yard is in the foreground or the background of the picture.
This is a photo of Amy & Jared's and George & Marion's backyards. Please indicate whether Amy & Jared's yard is in the foreground or the background of the picture.
oh man Amy, they make you look bad! get with it. where's the large garden with yummy organic fruits and veggied? ;-)
We do have one of those thanks to my hippy-on-call. I'll post a pic of that somdeay. Really, I will.
What if I always pay attention to your blog because it's my favorite, but I can't answer these questions correctly? Will you stop responding to my comment forever or worse, go private? What if I were to ask, "Who are George and Marion?" (I bet that would make a good post. Do they know about your blog?) So, here are the guesses. Keep in mind that I think you would go for the "natural but loved" look.
Q1: Right side
Q2: 1, 3 (natural look)
Q3: foreground (and is that mound in the background in one of the other pictures, but closer up?)
Yeah.. I have to say. I was looking for the veggie patch too!
Oh, and P.S., I was surprised to not see toy trucks and trikes strewn across the lawn.
Mmmmmm....geees let's see here. I'm voting that anything remotely green is NOT your yard!! ;)
Kinda looks like Martha Stewart is helping your neighbors. Did they bake an elaborate cake to welcome you to the neighborhood? That would be a tip off.
I'm stumped. Is there a multiple choice format you can give me?
Clearly George and Marion have way too much free time on their hands, which they waste on creating the perfect yard! :-) You have better things to do, right? Mine is mostly dandelions.
Amy, ignore the previous commenter..he is a serious dork! I would know. ;-)
Well, if you have the organic garden, then nothing else matters. Yum Yum
I'm not taking a quiz until I know if there's a prize involved.
wow, George and Marion must be so happy. We have "Lawson-type" neighbors to the South, and I love them. Their yard makes mine look like the Queen's garden. And that's not saying much.
I like the natural look. George and Marion try too hard.
what's the stuff in the foreground of the last photo...weeds or some lovely groundcover? Do G&M mind that you are more natural w/ your yard?
Mom--Our back yard is covered with strange weeds. I think George and Marion hate our yard, but you can't fix a broken lawn in a month. I think it's going to take a few years to undo what's been done.
I did take that big brown dead thing off the side of our house yesterday though. That's a start.
Hey, that looks like my yard!!
I'm trying to undo the madness, but it just keeps coming back...I'm considering that weed kill for 1 year; cause it is all weeds; i pull & pull, but they grow back...I even think I get the roots....
New houses--well, new to us
Amy, if anybody asks, just tell them you are foregoing watering the garden because you believe in conserving our natural resources. After all, you used to live here in Dallas, where it hardly ever rains, so you'd feel guilty if you wasted precious water! ;)
We are surrounded by neighbors with beautifully landscaped, immaculate yards.
None of them have children.
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