July 3, 3008
As promised, here are a few pictures of Jared's new office. Please refrain from commenting that we need more pictures on the walls...we know we do. I'm thinking about ordering some prints of dogs playing poker, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Pamela Anderson wearing nothing but sticky tape.
But seriously guys, doesn't this place just make you want to throw your back out?
Think about it. If you sustain a musculo-skeletal injury, this 132-pound hottie will actually touch your body. I bet that's enough to make you want to step into oncoming traffic, and that's totally okay.

Here is a picture of the main treatment space. If you're concerned about farting, jiggling, or screaming during a chiropractic adjustment, then you're in luck--there are two private rooms in the back. And yes--if you come for an appointment, James will be there watching Blues Clues on his tiny DVD player. Saves us a boatload on childcare expenses.

I bet these would be the tables Jared would sleep on if I ever decide to kick him out of the house. They're heated, and if you push them together they turn into a queen.

Some people have suggested that this space could use a coffee table with some magazines. I understand the suggestion, but really now, how are people supposed to jump for joy if there's a coffee table in their way?

As promised, here are a few pictures of Jared's new office. Please refrain from commenting that we need more pictures on the walls...we know we do. I'm thinking about ordering some prints of dogs playing poker, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Pamela Anderson wearing nothing but sticky tape.
But seriously guys, doesn't this place just make you want to throw your back out?
Think about it. If you sustain a musculo-skeletal injury, this 132-pound hottie will actually touch your body. I bet that's enough to make you want to step into oncoming traffic, and that's totally okay.
Here is a picture of the main treatment space. If you're concerned about farting, jiggling, or screaming during a chiropractic adjustment, then you're in luck--there are two private rooms in the back. And yes--if you come for an appointment, James will be there watching Blues Clues on his tiny DVD player. Saves us a boatload on childcare expenses.
I bet these would be the tables Jared would sleep on if I ever decide to kick him out of the house. They're heated, and if you push them together they turn into a queen.
Some people have suggested that this space could use a coffee table with some magazines. I understand the suggestion, but really now, how are people supposed to jump for joy if there's a coffee table in their way?
This is where our front desk lady, Jared Lawson, sits. She looks exactly like my husband, and she doesn't ask us to pay her a cent. Not a bad deal!
So there you have it--the office that will pay off our student loan debt, replace the Blazer (possibly), buy me some jeans, and hopefully send us to Disney World someday.
Wish us luck!
Oh Amy, the office looks wonderful! I can't wait to see it in person?
Oh my. I can't believe that raging typo. It's supposed to be a ringing affirmative, not a passive-aggressive query. :)
I think it's time to cut the nails. I was trying to let them grow, but they mess up my typing. And since that's what I do 98% of my day, I think it's worth the sacrifice, again.
It looks awesome!
If I had a bad back, and didn't live 2,000 miles away, I'd stop by.
Good luck.
wow- Congrats.
That place looks LOADS better than the school adjusting rooms- and better than the previous chiropractor's office I went to. Hope clients start filling all those chairs in the waiting room soon!
So if the doctor wears t-shirts, jeans and flip-flops, who wears the white coat with "Dr. Larson" embrodered on the chest? You?
It looks darling. Good work!
hey it looks great!!!! this is so exciting!!! I will be seeing it for real in about a month! YAY! And if my insurance will pay for it, i will get an adjustment, which will get you a new pair of jeans!
Congratulations to both of you. My dad was a chiropractor for nearly 50 years, and I have four other family members in town that have been/are chiropractors. I remember stories from my parents about celebrating 1 and 2 patients in a week. Be patient. My dad had a great practice.
It looks fantastic! If it wouldn't cost me a $300 plane ticket I would be there for an adjustment in an hour.
Nice! I like it! Good luck.
It looks awesome guys. I can't wait to see it for myself.
Looks great--congrats!
Am I the only one who thinks Doctor Lawson bears a striking resemblance to Napoleon Dynamite? :-) But really, the place looks great! Good luck, you guys!
Yea! Congratulations on being open. And you have that lovely skeleton poster on the wall. What more could anyone want?
The place looks great! Congrats and great work. I'm going to place banana peels and Jared's business card all around work today.
Good luck! The office looks great!
Your office looks great! Perfect. I like simple, no clutter!
Your front desk gal sounds like a real cutie!
looks perfect! helllooooo flexion distraction table...can't wait to see you!:)
awww looks great!! CONGRATS!
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