As with any new business, things are slow at Jared's office these days. He's landed one new patient this week and we think that's unbelievably stellar, so please don't tell us otherwise.
This morning, as Jared was getting ready for work, he mentioned that he has no patients on his schedule today. So instead of doing clinical, back-cracking kinds of things, he's planning on doing some man things around the office. You know--painting, drilling, screw-driving.
"Hey Amy," he said. "Since I'm not seeing any patients today, do I have to dress fancy?"
"Uhhhhhmmmm. Probably not," I replied. "But you should still look presentable. You know, in case people walk in to ask you a bunch of questions or something."
"Okay. So like jeans and a t-shirt and a Red Sox hat would be acceptable?"
"No. Nice jeans, and a button-down shirt, brown shoes, a brown belt, and some product in your hair would be acceptable."
Three minutes later my husband walked out of the bedroom wearing blue athletic shorts, brown shoes, and the free orange t-shirt that was previously featured in this post. In Jared's defense I will admit that his hair was very nicely tussled with the perfect amount of spray gel.
After some serious resistance, I finally managed to make Jared look presentable and sent him on his way with a turkey sandwich, a 'go-get-em' slap on the ass, and a clear reminder that he "would be totally lost without me!"
And it's true, he would be lost without me--and that's exactly why I took the liberty of clapping my sandy running shoes over his side of the bed when he had the audacity to mock me yesterday afternoon. Just a little reminder, ya know?
I'd like to thank my sister, the professional life coach, for her creative (and effective!) suggestion to deal with a stressful marital moment.
If you're interested in my sister's professional services, because she really is a life coach, drop me an email and I'll be happy send you the details--when I'm supposed to be working.
A friend of ours started his own Chiropractic office and he went door to door with brochures and buiness cards (Yes, like a full time missionary) telling people he had just opened his practise and it is right here in town blah blah blah. What can I say, it was successful! He now has a booming little business! Good luck!
amy! why did you admit it? now he'll be EXPECTING the sand... back to the drawing board...
Nice! God I love that shirt :)
That's brilliant.
And all this time I've been using the remote as my weapon of choice.
The sandy running shoe thing is genius! I'm definitely going to use that one, the best thing about it is that it's easily blamed on the kids.
Vanilla....BINGO! Blame it on the children.
Lindsey....Total missionary style. Jared's has done a little bit of the same thing. He's given info to our entire street. And today he convnces a door-to-door saleman to come see him.
Katy...it's okay. He's not much of a blog reader.
I don't think I've ever commented before, I preferred lurking. But I can't help myself...
Jared should always listen to your fashion advice, especially when going to the office!
Passive Agressive - UNITE!
I could learn a lesson or two from you my dear!
If I ever get to your side of the country, I'm totally gonna screw up my back so that he can fix it for me.
Congratulations on opening. :>
Sand on his side of the bed? Genius!
Ya.. this guy did more than just his street, he would take 2 whole days a week and do the WHOLE TOWN. It was crazy..but it worked! :)
Cute blog.
I am still unsure of how my husband would dress without me. I do suspect though, there wouldn't be one girl checking him out.
sand? Jared...get her back!
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