Weight Loss Challenge at Diet Cake

December 4, 2008

Back in October and November, I managed to drop nine pounds by participating in Viv's ridiculously amazing weight loss challenge--which I should add, had some of the most fantastic prizes I've ever seen in the whole entire blogging world. Seriously guys, I came in second place and won--get this--a heart rate monitor watch valued at sixty-something dollars, shipping included.

I know!

Now I want you to close your eyes, concentrate hard, and wager a guess as to how much weight I've dropped since Viv's challenge ended. Seriously, take a guess....

That's right! No pounds! Actually, I've gained one of 'em back.

Oh fart.

For the last thirty days, I've been moping around my house with a cupcake in each hand, saying things like, "How will I ever look like a Victoria's Secret model??? I need another weight loss challenge right now." And I, as you know, often forget where I leave my wallet, keys, and three-year-old son. Therefore, I am simply not capable of organizing a challenge myself.

Again, oh fart.

But guess wha-at? Sara and Holly over at Diet Cake (um, love that title) are hosting another weight loss challenge that starts tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen, it's not too late to look like Beyonce afterall.

And duh, you all I know I wouldn't do it if there wasn't a prize involved. This time it's a mystery prize valued at dozens of dollars. Say it with me...oooooohhhhhhhhh.

If you'd like to participate, hop on over to their blog and check out the rules in their November 30th post, then return to their site tomorrow for what is sure to be an amazing, memorable kick-off. (Don't let my readers down ladies.)

I'll be there with my ankle weights on!


Katy Shamitz said...

I am in! I need a kick in the butt to lose these last 7 or 8 so I can be fat like Tyra. Plus I love competing with Amy. Bwahahaha... not really. She always kicks my booty.

Viv said...

I heart the pic! I think I watched the Victoria Secret fashion show last night while eating Lucky Charms completely dumbfounded why can't I look like that.

Way to jump on a challenge to keep you going Amy, rock it!

Holly said...

Wow. The pressure is on for us to provide fabulous prizes, no?
Sara (my co-blogger on Diet Cake) lives in Egypt (I know!) and promises that one of the prizes will be Egyptian in origin. Maybe she'll raid a tomb just for you!
Or she'll buy a wooden camel from a street vendor. Either way, you have incentive to lose weight this month.

Michelle Glauser said...

Take a look at number 6 in the contest rules. I may not have seen you in person, but you look pretty darn healthy to me.

Sara said...

Personally, I think one of the prizes should be a signed copy of that picture of you! Sweet.

So, it's after midnight here, I'm supposed to be working on my lesson for tomorrow (we go to church on Fridays in Egypt), and my husband just said, "Wow. You must have a really funny lesson," because I keep laughing. Your Thanksgiving is way funnier that figuring out how to teach teenage girls not to gossip.

Also, thanks for the plug! More authentic Egyptian prize possibilities: a Ramadan-lantern-shaped dish soap bottle (empty, because we needed to wash our dishes; sorry) or maybe an empty cigarette package that can be found all over the streets here. The really special thing about it? The picture of the guy on the front wearing an oxygen mask. Or I could go with Holly's idea and raid a tomb.

joolee said...

I was toying with the idea of participating in this contest and now you're plugging it, so I MUST! Unfortunately, I am unwilling to post my weight for all of you skinnies to snicker at behind your grapefruits. No matter, you're going down Lawson! Those dozens of dollars and empty package of Egyptian cigs are mine!!!

Sarah said...

Seeing where as I'm due on Saturday I should TOTALLY enter this weight loss challenge. I'd kick some butt! (That's not an unfair advantage is it?)

Katy Shamitz said...

If the prize is a signed picture of Amy, I'm out. :)

Mel said...

This is where I tell you I hate you for making me think this is a good idea and that I might be able to hold myself responsible (something I'm horrible at).

If I don't lose any weight I'm throwing your magnet out! ;)

Grandma said...