How's that for a long and detailed title?
I'll be around today, so check back later. I'm too hungry to post right now.In the mean time, never forget how much I love you--yes, I mean you Vanessa.
Vanessa Christenson is a woman who, according to that picture up there, has absolutely no trace of love handles. She is also my spicy Latina crafting muse. If you currently have (or ever did have) a uterus, you should click on over to her site. Men, don't bother--she rarely posts any bikini pics.
What can I say? That biz-natch can sew. And craft. And successfully make average women--including me--look and feel like big, fat, steaming piles of horse poo.
One thing I'll never understand about Vanessa is her love of thrift store sheets. I think I emailed her once and was like, "If you want to dress your kids in fabric that hairy old men might have had sex on top of, then that's your personal business. But dude, you're disgusting."
She emailed back saying something to the effect of, "Don't sell me short, I make clothes for myself out of those sheets, too."
I'd have to say, that was the magical moment where our e-friendship officially began.
I wish we all could have friends that make us feel totally inadequate.....
I love V too... did you know she's shorter than I am? That makes up for the lack of love handles. ;)
haha! a trubute to me! you REALLY want that bracelet! you didn't have to do that, it's already in the mail. but dude whatevah, i'll take all the love i can get.
and if it makes you feel any better, i have to speed walk instead of run these days due to pushing out 4 parasites out of my hoo-hah, so you could always brag and trash talk that in a race you can beat the crap out of me.
yes ebff i think we have a good thing going here of checks and balances.
and mindy i read that. i'm coming after you next! ;)
i love her too. she is amazing.
look at the things she can make...whoa!!!!
so those vintage sheets are used. and I thought of using barely used sheets for my own and nieces/nephew (on the other hand that is a good idea)
V is pretty amazing...and hey, she led me to you!
you're blog is hilarious!
I love V's blog too! But I agree with you on the 2nd hand sheets. YUCK! I would never buy them. It makes me squirm just thinking about it.
I am addicted to V's blog too. She just doesn't know it yet. I have even bought thrift store sheets to be like her, but can't seem to make anything just as cute out of them. The inadequate feelings keep coming this way too! I got here b/c she posted about you on her blog!
I love you both.
even though we don't know each other. I'm not weird, I promise.
Very nice article thanks for the sharing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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