Do me a favor...
October 29, 2007

and cool it with the hate mail. If you don't like my blog, then don't waste your precious time reading it. And if you don't like my blog enough to write to me about it, then I really urge you to stop reading it.

Here are my new rules:

If you're not entertained by a frazzled mother of a tricky little two-year-old, then exit the premises.

If you don't like bathroom talk, then stop taking the joy out of my life and just step away.

If you don't like the idea of a Mormon who uses words like "crap" and "sha-diz-nit" and "butt-head" the go elsewhere.

If you think that Red Sox fans are over-the-top and partly insane, then go find a blog that belongs to a Devil Rays devotee.

And for heaven's sake, if you want to make fun of my completely innocent husband, then find your closest middle school, make some pals, and talk to your friends about it--NOT TO ME.

Please, just stop reading this blog.

But for all of you who enjoy The Lawsons do Dallas! and send me kind and happy emails, I sure do appreciate it! They really make my day.


Samye said...

Who could not like your blog?? Please, it is the highlight of my day...that and cleaning up pee from our potty training two year old off our floor while entertaining a 2 month old...your blog makes my day!! I LOVE IT!!!

Lisa said...

I totally enjoy potty humor and love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you can dish it out.

These people are not fans, they're nothing but a bunch of bandwagoning butt-heads...So welcome aboard Rockie's fans. Welcome to the list of "fans" (and I use that term in the most casual sense of the word) that I really almost hate. It's you and the Yankees.

Amy said...

I made fun of a baseball team, not a specific person. Those are so completely different.

Do you know how often the Red Sox get made fun of?

Picking on a baseball team and picking on a person are different.

I put myself out there to make people laugh....maybe I'll take some time off.

J~Mom said...

Amy do you have site meter on your blog? It can help you track visitors and mean people.

I like your blog. I feel like we have so much in common. ;>P Except I am not Mormon so I use real cuss words. Oh and I run dirt slow. Other then that we are like twinnies.

Nicole said...

HI Amy, I don't think I have commented before... but I read your blog every day, and I love potty humor. Oh and I am Toad and Sue's neice. I just wanted to say that you SHOULD keep writing, no matter what heartless, humorless jerks have to say. If you stop writing than the bad guys win and the good guys suffer! I need my daily snort-chuckle from the Lawsons do Dallas! Is that horribly selfish?! Answer-yes. but even so, I don't think you should take a break from writing in your blog. you have so many devoted fans!

Anonymous said...

People need to lighten up.I have had enough bad times in my life as I'm sure others out there have. We all need to laugh whenever we can. C;mon!!!

Grandma said...

Well, you certainly make tons of us laugh everyday. That's a gift to thank you for! Take it way easy people.

Jess said...

Do you really receive that much hate mail? I saw the nasty-gram comment on your Red Sox post below, but that's bound to happen -- sports people get bent out of shape easily. I wouldn't guess you to receive much by way of angry email or comments. But perhaps I am naive.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, mean people suck and I hope you ignore them. Youe make me laugh every time I log on! Emily w

k said...

Obviously someone got their undies in bunches over the Sox SPANKING the Rockies...gee whiz...there are WORSE things in the world and they should get over it.

I understand your frustrations as I've ended up making my blog private, which kind of stinks really, but it keeps the haters away.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is great. Someone else linked to that hysterical post on your husband's, well, shall we say "incident?" with the treadmill, and I've been enjoying it ever since.

I have nothing in common with you in some ways but I know that if you and your family moved in next door here in Seattle we'd be terrific good friends. And yes, I'd occasionally babysit your two year old, if you would occasionally borrow my 10 and 12 year olds for some meaningful activity like, say, leaf raking.

Ignore the jerks. Easier said than done, I know, but just keep saying it and it will get done.

MorseyRuns said...

I ONLY read your blog for the frazzled mother bits, the bathroom talk and the use of the word "sha-diz-nit". Being from a country without baseball I can't comment on the Red Sox part. But your blog makes me laugh out loud and I regularly clean foodstuffs off the monitor that I have inadvertently spat out whilst laughing and eating (my two favorite pastimes together) as I read your blog.

Jen Taylor said...

Where are the haters?? Let me at 'em!

Amy, dearest, you are perfectly within your right to post as you do on YOUR blog. If people take issue with it, they can LEAVE and STOP READING as you so well put it in your new rules.

If you stop blogging because of the jack-asses out there, I'm going to be sad.

Anonymous said...

People, people, there is a bigger question here: who knew that this world has Devil Ray devotees?????

Sore losers and blog hijackers SUCK!

My Life said...

Ohhh the drama, I love it! ;) (& I love your middle school, go-talk-to-your-friends comment!)

P.O.M. said...

Oh my gosh - I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE your blog! You are too funny for words. Pee, poop and sweatpants - the best stories in bloggerland....

For the people that drink "hater-ade" they can just stick a sock in it.

Anonymous said...
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MB said...

I've lived in the Boston all my life and had to wait almost 40 years to see a World Series win. I think Red Sox fans have a right to gloat. We suffered over 86 years and earned the right to talk a bit of trash now.

P.S. I went to the rally for the second time and it was AWESOME!

MB said...

P.S. My family was born and raised in the North End. We know people and would be happy to take care of your little "situation." Just a thought.