I've got to say, the raw food party was pretty stinking fun. Fifteen people showed up, and not a single one of them was even the slightest bit scary. Unfortunately the raw foodist did not wear a head wrap...not even close. More like True Religion jeans and a Coach purse--an absolute rarity in this neck of the woods.
And I didn't get any pictures. When new friends cross my path, I tend to get a little bit overexcited--like a cocker spaniel. I tried very hard not to be all, "Hi! Welcome to my house! I have this chair for you! And this brownie! And this raw foodist! Let me take your picture! So I never forget the moment we met! I feel really connected to you! Welcome to my house!"
So yeah, no camera. But I did find this picture of a fresh young coconut on Google images:

I'd have to say that my favorite moment came when the raw foodist was passionately explaining the health benefits of chia seeds. That's right, ch-ch-ch-chia seeds. They're good for your bowels? Or your hair? I guess it really doesn't matter.
Anyway, I raised my hand and was all, "So what if I want to buy the chia seeds, but not a terra cotta Scooby Doo head? Where could I do that?" And just as she took the same deep, cleansing breath that preceded all of her answers, my friend Karen whipped open her purse, pulled out a mini bottle of Diet Mountain Dew, cracked it open, and threw back an enormous swig.
The raw foodist pretended not to notice.
My second favorite moment of the night came when my friend Carolyn tried a sample of coconut water. She obviously didn't want to, but being the excellent sport that she is, she tossed back the contents of that Dixie cup like a champ. Then she swallowed, paused, and her face contorted into the same expression I'd imagine you'd have if you witnessed a train wreck, a sewage spill, and your naked grandma all at the very same time.
And once again, the raw foodist pretended not to notice.
All in all, it was a good night. A few awkward silences, but nothing too serious. According to my scientific calculation, 98% of friend making comes through follow-up, so at this point I guess it's back to the Adult Ed catalog to plan the next get together--either welding or biscuit making.
Ahhh welding... a skill I would most likely never use, but we like to have purely for bragging rights.
ohhh...ohhh...definitely go with the welding…that has the makings of a great post and I can envision James bragging to his friends at school...
Welding is awesome, and surprisingly forgiving.
Welding. for sure.
Yeah, coconut water is NO BUENO! But it's supposed to be really good for you or something... like akin to human plasma. But it's yucky.
I'm SO glad the party was a success!
So happy your party was a success!
I'd go with the biscuit making....to counterbalance the raw foodist and keep everyone happy.
Isn't there something in that catalog like...cake decorating...or hand dipping chocolates...or how to turn the nastiest of vegetable into a delightful chip perfect for snacking?
(So how do you get into that thing, anyhow?)
My father would have happily drank the coconut water. Guess you have to grow up on a tropical island to like it, right? ;) hahaha
still think you should've taken out your cotton candy machine for that party.
What a fun night! I'd have gone with the Obama Chia Head joke, but Scooby works too. :o)
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