We're lucky enough to live one tenth of a mile from a really pretty lake. When the leaves are off the trees, and it's not too dark but not too bright, you can kind of see the water from the top corner of our upstairs bathroom window.
If you live out West, or down South, or anywhere other than the North, I know what you're thinking. You're all, "Eeeeewwww! Gross!!!!! Lake water!!!! Gag!!!!" Well guess what? You're wrong. In fact, you've never been wronger.
But honestly, I do know where you're coming from--I used to live in Texas. I still remember the first time we took James swimming at Joe Pool Lake, I was like, "Jared, do not drop the baby...if you do, we'll never see him again. And he's just starting to grow on me."
It was like swimming around in a clogged toilet that you flush and pray, flush and pray, flush and pray, until you finally give up, walk away, and let your unsuspecting co-workers worry about the turd soup.
And those fountains? In the middle of the unswimmable lakes? I still don't understand.
Up here in the North, where lakes are made by the hands of God--you know, as opposed to large crews of illegal workers--these bodies of water are pretty stinking beautiful. They're clean, they're clear, and if you have a thing for trashy people wearing tiny bathing suits, then heaven itself can't beat a morning at the public beach.
It's cold and snowy and completely craptastic in Maine this afternoon, so I found these pictures in my web album.
Click on this picture to get a look at a littler version of James:

These are the benches I like to stand on when I make my proclamations about life, liberty, and the fact that I'm seriously overworked:

Even the houses around the lake are pretty:
The lake is about nine miles long, and this summer I plan to swim from end to end. Either that, or I plan to eat maple donuts on the bow of my in-laws' boat. I haven't decided yet.
Yes! We have lakes like that... made by the hand of God.
They're just starting to thaw now, but soon will be glinting in the sun like the jewels they are.
hmmm, donuts or swimming...
tough call.
Good luck with that....
The turd soup comment made me laugh out loud. I've got a story for you... So, I was out for a drive with my hubby, and needed to uhhhh go. We were close to his work, which is out in the boonies, so we decided to stop by the office. So, I'm sitting there on their toilet, just barely let everything loose, and I see a sign on the door. It says "toilet out of order. please use portapottys outside". If I hadn't just crapped, I would've crapped. I thought I was going to die. So, I made a halfhearted attempt at flushing, gave everyone big smiles when I came out, and hoped that nobody would talk about my turd soup ever. Well, I hope I gave you a laugh, anyway, since you make me laugh every time you post.
I live in Arizona (aka, "The Surface of the Sun") and the only bodies of water around here are stinky manmade reservoirs and the ponds at each and every one of the trillion golf courses (in case anyone is wondering; the reason Arizona is in a perpetual drought is because all the water is going to fill the ponds of and water the grass at the trillion golf courses).
All of that is merely a preface to my real point which is: I am quite jealous of your beautiful lake. And the beautiful trees. And the beautiful grass...sigh. I am not a desert person.
I love real lakes. Lucky you. I guess this makes up for the tiny closet.
As a Texan, I stand beside your poopy cloggy lake description.
They put fountains in the middle of lakes in Texas? How weird!! We have some pretty lakes here (north of Seattle) including Lake Washington which is I think 50 miles long. The small ones are nice too but never ever swim in Green Lake (in Seattle). It really is green...and gross!! Your lake is gorgeous! And so is that house. I think I'll move to Maine now :).
I think as long as you don't do the donut thing on the same day as the swimming, you can probably do both!
I know that lake! I grew up spending summers on one of lakes further south. So beautiful. You are one of a handful of people who make me miss Maine.
I'm voting for donuts on the bow. But only because you can't see the gorgeous scenery when you are drowning. That's a pretty spectacular view.
After 5 years of living in the hell-hole that is NW Ohio I only discovered the magic that is Michigan's lakes last summer. I was so mad!!
They are beautiful, warm (in the summer), crystal clear, and attached to sugar sand beaches. Basically they are South African beaches, minus the massive waves that grind your face in the sea bed, the sharks, the blue-bottles and jelly-fish, the salt water, the litter.... Still I'd give anything to be on a South African beach this summer (well maybe not since it will be winter there this summer...) but Michigan lakes are a pretty fab substitute.
Aren't New England Lakes gorgeous? We swim every summer and the water is always beautiful and clear. And definitely go for the Maple Donuts. It's Maple sugaring season right now....they're fresh and delicious.
You are very blessed to live close to such a gorgeous lake! I miss the Atlantic Ocean very much.
I think the maple donuts better watch out 8)
You guys should start a penguin plunge!
Oh you are so right! Growing up in Michigan, I never understood why people didn't like to swim in lakes. Then I too lived in Texas for a bit. I asked where we went to swim and was told I had better just stick to the swimming pool at my apartment. In fact, even the ducks seemed to prefer the swimming pool...
Your springs/summers almost make up for your winters. Almost.
so much fun to see you guys...just put pictures on of the kids Amy:)
I would opt for the maple donuts.
Yes yes yes - New England lakes are wonderful. I heard Mitt Romney and his wife talk at church in NH, just after they bought their place on Lake Winnepesaukee. She said, "We're from Michigan. We're lake people." ...There is nothing like it here in Texas; that's for sure
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