August 10, 2011
I've been meaning to tell you guys, the 5k group that I've been leading has (surprisingly) turned out to be a smashing success. I have thirty-nine registrants, and as far as I can tell, two injuries and only one drop out.
So do you know what that means? It means I'm getting my coaching certification on October 1st, I'm offering a few more classes in the fall, and I even have my very own website (that gets half a hit a day). Big time stuff.
I'm working everything out of Jared's office, and yesterday someone showed up to let him know that I'm being honored at a celebration for new business owners on Main Street. Rumor has it I'm getting a plaque. Um, HELLO! You all know how I feel about trophies/medals/plaques. As far as I'm concerned, I'm straight up there with Warren Buffet.
I'll probably put my plaque up in, no on, my office:
That's my office.
I asked Jared if I could have a real office--one of the little rooms in the back of his office. He said he'd think about it and he gave me this box. Everybody's gotta start somewhere I suppose.
So guys, I need your help. What are some good ideas for marketing running groups and a local coaching business? So far I've got the website, I have a facebook page, I'm on, I have people wearing their shirts all over town, I've hung a few flyers, I wear my shirt to races, and I'm hoping to get the newspaper to cover our final 5k 'race.'
What am I missing? Because I'm hoping to clear my first million by next month.
What about offering a referral prize or discount when your current peeps spread the word? I would surely think one of those whoopie pie things that you used to love would be worth telling a friend about a cool new running group! Obviously the whoopie pie stuck in my mind!
this is so cool~! i just coached a beginner's 5k class through our rec department in Hartford, VT. what a great time it was! we culminated with a first ever 5k fun run/walk in town. 50 people signed up! whoot!
i hope Jared lets you have more space than that box. tough to set up a treadmill in there....
That all sounds about right. Have you thought about (is it even appropriate?) to start a fitness group for women in your church? A few years ago we started a church group for women thinking about doing their first sprint tri. I was one of the younger members, at about 42. We were led by a woman who used it in part as a way to get her coaching business off the ground. (Well, she led the fitness part, our then-assistant reverend led the spiritual part.) The group still continues, some 8 or 9 years later, and let me assure you, there was and is an awful lot of spirituality and connection in getting older women back in touch with their inner athlete. It's a gift, right? Then again, I'm an atheist/active Unitarian, so I'm definitely not an authority on spirituality.
temporary tattoos with your face on them. oh and the website. ;)
Flyers are a great start. Getting in good with any fitness stores in the area is a great way to get referrals. Make your flyers simple, easy to read quickly and make sure your contact information is big and bold.
If you are coaching more than a 10k, you could offer a discount if they continue on from the 5 to the 10.
Talk to the local college business department and see if you can offer an unpaid internship to a marketing student for credit :) Let them do all the work!
Erin, you're tongue in cheek right? You really don't want our friend to start off her business in violation of state and federal wage hour laws?
A local chiropractor shows up to many of the local races with a table and an assistanct, does some treatments and PR, and signs up injured runners to come by for paid consultations. Totally legitimate way to get business. This guy also sponsors his own race. All part of his business development program.
Talk hubby into doing this and latch onto his booth with your coaching program. You break 'em, he fixes 'em and together you get your charges to complete their goal races!
Don't forget Twitter,
Wow, Maine is hard core man! We do unpaid internships EVERYWHERE here! Sorry!!! Had no idea!
I had an unpaid internship up here in college...I think it's okay as long as they get credit. I actually think it's a good idea...I'm planning to call our local college and Monday and get their thoughts.
I know there's lots of folks who blithely violate the wage hour laws, but technically, to be legal an unpaid internship is supposed to generate credit, and the intern is supposed to be learning, and not doing much actual work for a company. More simply put, you can't use slave labor for something that you would otherwise pay for.
But there's always barter. Maybe you could trade coaching for some marketing or website help.
I don't know but if you can make me run faster--I will hire you.
one suggestion--targeting teachers and staff at local schools. Schools are usually gung ho about "staff bonding" and many teachers would like motivation/help getting started. Many schools in ME have the 5-2-1-0grant which allows funds for schools to spend on staff wellness.
Thanks, Amy. Great suggestion.
Rosie--For real? Why do companies have interns come if they're not supposed to do work? I don't get it. That's where I learned everything and how I was able to get my first job. I thought they were to get credit and experience?
Have a booth at some of the wellness fairs this fall as well as at some of the local races. Also you could get in touch with local TOPS and Weight Watchers groups to see if you can do some kind of a promotion with them. Also, rent a plane to write your website in the sky!
BTW... won't calling you Coach confuse the dog?
Just sayin'...
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