Fun Club Meeting Tonight

November 29, 2007

Did you know that I'm in a book club? Yeah, me neither. I haven't been to one of my book club meetings in almost six months--because, let's face it, I'm way too much of a dumba** to read anything other than People, US Weekly, or the instructions on a tampon box. I love the girls in the club, I just hate that we have to read to be a member. I'd rather be in a poo-shoveling club or a rock stacking club. Really, I would.

For more details on my feelings towards this social commitment, please read this old post. It's short, and in my opinion, it's kind of funny. At the very least, it will give you a glimpse into the early days of The Lawsons do Dallas!

Now close your eyes, get creative, and just imagine my distress when I realized that it's my turn to host book club at my apartment and lead the discussion on not one, but two pieces of literature...tonight!

I'm so not ready for this.

Based on the fact that I haven't read either of the two books, I've cancelled book club for the evening and renamed it "Fun Club." Tonight we'll be baking cookies, eating appetizers, having a fart competition, and watching funny YouTube videos.

I've promised funny YouTube videos. So please, for the love of my clean reputation, please leave some YouTube suggestions in the comments.

Thank you!


Ian said...

Well if you enjoy watching people hurt themselves (and who doesn't) then you could start with these two:

Skateboarder Eats It

Gymnast Eats It

Ian said...

OK. I am so wasting the remainder of my day at work watching these video's and researching this for you.

Pretty much any of the videos posted by this user are pretty hilarious:

Lots of people crashing and doing stupid things.

Anonymous said...

Darth Vader being a smartass. It's only 46 seconds, but you'll probably watch it several times over. I did.

Anonymous said...

okay, just one question for you vanilla...*drum roll please*....... are you male or female?!?! I am totally serious! it is driving me crazy!!

Anonymous said...

do you know if you can find people on the internet?

Anonymous said...

this isn't really funny but i thot it was cool.

Anonymous said...

i meant people magazine.

Anonymous said...

go to for some party fun..I'm having trouble getting into the website, but it was fun last yr!

Cheryl said...

Anonymous-- just click on the link and read Vanilla's blog. Let's see, he has a wife and kids, so I'd say that makes him a guy.

Grandma said...

could you cut up the People magazine and have them match caption to picture?

Topher said...

Seeing as how you're in Texas, this might offend some of the native hicks in "them parts". The host/comedian guy in the overalls is an annoying moron, but the grandpa makes it worth it. I wish I could laugh like him. I'd probably have more friends.

Cheryl said...

Here's one I saw on Ellen Degeneres, of a wedding couple breaking out into some crazy dance moves. It even has your favorite song :-)

Marathon Maritza said...

No youtube suggestions but I've got this:

All of the clips are HYSTERICAl but this one about ninjas made me DIE.

Topher said...

Ok, just one more for your ladies. I'm sure they're all Mormons by the looks of that book list, so they'll either think this one's funny, or tell your bishop that you're part of a conspiracy. I'm down with Captain Underpants, by the way. That and you forgot the timeless classic "Everyone Poops".

Marathon Maritza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marathon Maritza said...

Seriously I can't seem to get this right. It's really funny I swear.


Anonymous said...

This is a funny video, especially if you like the Stacey Header one. You may have already seen it.

Miss South Carolina answers a question. (with subtitles in all their glory)

Ian said...

Dear anonymous,

Thank you for your inquiry about my gender. I am a hermaphrodite. Please don't tell anyone.



Anonymous said...

This video demonstrates when you need to call in sick to work instead of trying to drive.

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

Amy...I would officially like to invite you to our bookclub and have you tell that other club "smell you later"!! We've read plenty of tiny-popper books like "Secret Garden", "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants", etc... And I think we spend 96% of the time chatting and eating then the other 2% talking about our hubbies and kids then the last 2% usually involves something about the book. Are you tempted?

Anonymous said...

cheryl, you have the same video as me. i got it from ellen too:)

Anonymous said...

This is probably too late, but check it out anyway! It's FAB-U-LOSO!!

January said...

You are just as hilarious as ever!

Viv said...

Sounds like my kind of book club meeting. I really like this one. It is a comic but she does this nail shop thing to a tee.

chattypatra said...

Hey, R! I want to join your book club too. It sounds awesome. We could read Percy Jackson and the Olympians. :)

Anonymous said...

Late to the party, but here's a funny one.

Amy said...

Thanks for all of the videos you guys! Jared and I stayed up until one-zillion o'clock watching every single one.
I must say that I especially loved Topher's missionary clip and Viv's nail shop. Awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm always a day late and a dollar short, but here is my brother in laws you tube file with his friends. Amy, I really think you will like this one.

My BIL is the one combing his hair in the mirror and his girlfriend is the on with the sunglasses and yellow headband.


J~Mom said...

Hope the meeting went well!!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I can't give you any YouTube recommendations because out here in Dirtville we don't get no diggity danged high-speed internet.

But I'd like to suggest that someone institute a magazine club, starting with People. Everyone can sit around and gossip about Paris Hilton's cellulite and whether Britney should be allowed to own even a houseplant. Oh, wait. Someone's already done that. It's called "a beauty salon."

Anonymous said...

I saw Paris Hilton on ellen yesterday, and I actually like her after seeing that.

Katy Shamitz said...

Here is an instructional video that I hope will keep you safe from dangerous bandits with bras on their heads.
Love, Rob

Katy Shamitz said...

That was the wrong link.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I got here from fMh. Somehow. Anyway, I heart baratsandbereta. Try THIS one (though they're all good--I especially like this one and the auto insurance one).

Anonymous said...

they weren't wearing bras were they?