James has a new trick in his repertoire. It's hanging--as in hanging from monkey bars, hanging from towel bars, and unfortunately, hanging from my ponytail.
Trust me, I know what you're thinking..."My two-and-a-half-year-old has been hanging for months."
Sure, maybe your kid has been able to support his own body weight for weeks and weeks, but I can guarantee that your child hasn't inherited the terrible combination of my upper-body strength and my cinder-blockish body density. I swear, if I ever witness James doing chin-ups in phys ed class, I will faint on the spot and choke on my own spittle. His genetic disposition for chin-up ability really is that bad.
This afternoon, I had the wild idea of dress shopping. You see, in three weeks, Jared and I will attend his HOLY CRAP, I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ACTUALLY DOCTOR LAWSON banquet--at least that's what I've been calling it. It's an evening affair, on the forty-seventh floor of a downtown skyscraper, and it most definitely requires some type of stylish formal wear.
After four stops at four different shopping centers, and seven thousand trips hundreds of different fitting room, I finally found my dress--and let me tell you, it's fabulous. The only accessory that this gown needs is one-hundred-and-fifty-pounds of Amy B. Lawson.
As I walked back to the parking lot, I held the dress in my right hand, and James's hand in my left. We cautiously crossed the street, and when we arrived at the car, I knelt down to James's level, looked him bang in the eye, and said, "You stand right here. Mommy has to hang her dress, and then I'll get you into your car seat. This is a busy parking lot, so DO NOT MOVE."
As I leaned into the passenger side door of my Toyota wagon, I was startled when the alarm on the car parked next to mine began to sound. Approximately one seventeenth of a second after the alarm went off, I heard James beckoning. "Moyee," he said, "Yook at me! Yook at me!"
So I swallowed hard, and turned slowly--afraid of what I might find. And sure enough, there was my son, preforming his brand new trick from the side view mirror of a shiny, black Mercedes Benz. His fingers were desperately clenching the fiberglass, his tongue was hanging from the side of his mouth, and his feet were lifted about two inches above the parking lot asphalt.
"I hangeng," he proudly panted, as the siren wailed in the background.
"Oh @#$% James," I said, as I interrupted the stunt. "We don't hang from luxery vehicles! Now get in the car!" He was strapped safely into his five point harness within three nano-seconds, and we were one the road without so much as a witness.
Looking back on the whole experience, I've got to admit that I'm glad he chose a Mercedes. I'm really not sure that the side view mirror on a Nissan or a Ford could have withstood my child's body weight.
Wow. What will James do next? You know, I'm so glad you blog about your child and his antics because now I have no need to have my own! :P
In all seriousness, holy crappers that could have turned out bad! Imagine some gangsta/lawyer/doctor/insert-other-rich-person-stereotype-here returning to his/her car after shopping to find your child hanging off it! Yeowza!
Yowsa! What if a buttinsky or worse, a cop, had walked by at that precise moment? *shudder*
The good news is, you might have a future Olympian in your hands. Congratulations, Amy!
P.S: You guys have a great time at the ball.
I absolutely adore your son. :)
I'm excited to see this dress--there will be pictures, I hope?
Hmm... Beatrice? Betty? Umm... Bailey? Barbera? What the Flippin heck is your middle name?!?
That little boy is too cute and funny.:)
I want to see pics too.
man oh man! isn't toddler-hood fun?
get in that Toyota and get outta there!!
I have a distinct memory as a kid hanging from a towel rack in the bathroom and the towel rack came loose from the wall and I crashed to the floor and split my lip open. My mom's response? "I told you that was gonna happen." She was never very sympathetic to my self-induced injuries.
I am dying to see the dress. I have to find one myself for a wedding in two weeks and am not looking forward to shopping for one. Want to just share? I'll pay for half of yours.......
Tell James to keep practicing so he'll be ready for the President's Physical Fitness Test in school. I hated just hanging on the pull-up bar...and hanging...and hanging...until the gym teacher was ready to admit that I couldn't possibly pass that section.
Shopping? Dress? Is Amy turning into a whole new person now that she's going to be a DOCTOR'S wife? hmmmmm. Stay tuned to find out.
I guess we have all foolishly thought that telling a toddler to stay would actually be obeyed! HA! Yesterday Emma slammed our car door into a luxury car! Lovely!
Oh and that dress...well I have a great idea. I think you should wear it to the church christmas party! You'll be the BELL of the BALL!
John-Boy says in the Mercedes commercials that they build em so strong, the door hinges will hold up two grown men, so I think James picked a good car to practice his chin-ups on. Oh, sorry... his hangeng! And I agree, you definitely have to post pictures of the dress, and of you and Jared all dressed up for your big night on the town.
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