March 20, 2008
Go ahead and fess up--you're wondering why I haven't commented on your blog in a while. I feel like I can make a bold, blanket statement like that because it's totally true. Well, at least half of that claim is true--I haven't commented on blogs in a darn long time.
I know at least a few of you have taken note of my recent streak of serious slackage. After all, I've received a number of emails pointing out my lack of participation (thanks), my sister-in-law asked me if I was mad at her (no), and my very own mother called me last night to say, "You never comment on my blog anymore." I guess that's the new, softer way of saying, "Don't forget about me when I'm in a nursing home someday."
If you have received a comment from me in the last, oh I don't know, four months, then you might want to paint yourself gold and run around the town square yelping, because you my friend, are the exception. In the next few weeks--once my blogging den is painted, decorated, and inspiring--I hope to resume my previous internet habits. You know--whispering sweet nothings into my laptop's speaker, ignoring the laundry pile as it mildews, and tossing an electrical appliance to my toddler every now and again to keep him happy and occupied.
In the mean time, I'd like to let you know that I've been keeping up with my blog reading as much as I possibly can. To prove it to you, I'm releasing a build-your-own-comment section in response to all of your recent posts. You'll find that it's vaguely reminiscent of the chose-your-own-ending books we adored in elementary school. It's simple to use--just pick one line from section A, section B, and section C, piece them together and *bam,* you've got a comment from my heart to yours. Go ahead and give it a whirl...
Section A
Congratulations on...
I'm sorry about...
Oh! Look at that...
Section B
(s)he's walking...
your recent race time...
your new appliances...
the house...
your significant other...
your rear end...
you're covered in mud...
your weight gain...
your weight loss...
your kid...
Section C
is adorable!
how cute!
is awesome!
is nasty.
that sucks!
look(s) fantastic!
that's priceless!
Ok friends, go hog wild. Play around with those phrases, and I'm sure at least one of the combinations will apply to you. Next time you get the urge to email me about my lack of recent commenting, come back to this post, consider your current circumstances, and rebuild your own. For example:
Oh! Look at that, your significant other sucks!
Wow. Your weight gain looks fantastic!
Call me crazy, but this is the best idea I've come up with in ages. Play along with me guys, which comment applies to you?
Thanks but I am quite aware that my rear end is fabulous!
commenter above stole mine!
You are hysterical. Can I steal this for my blog? I don't think I'll be able to read every one of the 300 new posts in my reader today....
And I thought you were mad at me. Phew.
Ashely--feel free to steal for your blog. Just be sure to link back to this post and mention the name of my site.
I know, I know - I'm working on that race time. It IS, afterall, still early in the season! :)
What a fun idea. Where do you have time to come up with this stuff - and actually get it written? 99% of my clever ideas are still combating themselves in my brain for a turn to get recorded. Unfortunately those witty ones are often overpowered by the lame ideas that make it onto paper. Go figure!
Hmmm. I don't know which one would apply to being newly knocked up.
Congrats on...
the rear end
the weight gain
new appliance?
...that's priceless.
Amy, I LOVE your mind. Can we have an emotional affair over the internet?
And yes, my kid sucks but don't tell him.
I'm going to have to go with "your rear end looks fantastic" - even though I'm pretty sure I've never written a post about my rear end (at least not directly)...wishful thinking I suppose!
You are a riot!! Love the "choose your own post" time you could try a version of Mad Libs!!!
Not that you've ever posted to my blog but one did apply to me:
"I'm sorry about your recent race time, that sucks!"
"you're sorry about my weight gain, that sucks"...
for goodness sakes woman, i'm pregnant, cut me some slack. sheezz, the nerve of some people... attacking a pregnant woman's weight issues.
This is a great idea! You get to save alll kinds of time, and we get to have as much love or derision as we want. Here's mine...
"Wow! Your weight loss is awesome!"
Gee, thanks, Amy! :-)
I think the (noun) that you (adverb) alluded to in your (adjective) blog is not the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure series, but actually a different children's(noun) called "Mad Libs."
Wow, your rear end. Thats pricless!
Ooooh, I LOVE Mad Libs. How fun! I should have asked for that for a birthday gift. There's always the Easter bunny...
seriously the best idea in ages.
comedy gold :)
You can go ahead and copy and paste the following into a comment for me:
"Wow, your rear end is awesome!"
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