If you're the praying type, please take a minute and send one up for my blog friends Megan and Marc. After trying to conceive for five years and navigating the long and complex road of adoption, they've found themselves pregnant with twin girls. SURPRISE!
The twins, Elliana and Emmaline, have recently been diagnosed with a serious condition called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and need to undergo surgery before they're even born. The laser surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
Please pray that the surgery will thoroughly correct the problem, and that Megan and Marc will be cuddling their two, healthy, miracle babies in a few short months.
Megan and Marc - There are prayers coming your way from MA!
Sending prayers from Texas, via Denver (Hey, a girl's got to work.)
Good luck to them. I have them in my prayers.
I will certainly pray and I will pass this along to other to add their prayers to mine.
Thanks for the heads up, Amy. Will do. Please keep us updated.
Sending prayers from Ohio.
I haven't ever posted to you before, but love your blog!!
My good friend just had twins with TTTS. Please direct your friend to her blog, and she can ask questions and get some support. It's a scary time.
Done and done. I'll add them to my list tonight. :)
Ugh! You give us great, awesome news with scary news in the same post! I'll pray for them too.
will do...thinking of them
To AMY: Thank you SO MUCH for your thoughtfulness in requesting prayers for us. When I came over here and saw this post, I got so choked up that I almost threw up my breakfast. :) The fact that we feel so much love from a "stranger" means more to us than you know. Thank you for always being a constant cheerleader for us!!
To Amy's Blog Readers: Thank you for adding us to your prayers! We feel like we've been overwhelmingly blessed the last couple of days because of those prayers. For now, all is well... and we hope that things continue like that. Thank you, again and again!!
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